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National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences



The main objective of the DANUBIUS Department is the implementation of the DANUBIUS-RO infrastructure (part of the pan-European environmental research infrastructure DANUBIUS-RI) in partnership with GeoEcoMar, INCDDD and the Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy.

The Department was established in August 2019 and represents a logical continuation of the decision of the Prime Minister of Romania in 2015 to allocate funds to support the construction of a large research facility in the Danube Delta (Murighiol) representing the European infrastructure hub as well as the Danube Delta super-site, in the context of a pan-European research infrastructure project called DANUBIUS-RI.

 As the pan-European DANUBIUS-RI project found support at transnational level, received flagship status for the European Strategy for the Danube Region (2013), was granted the status of a research infrastructure project of pan-European importance by the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) in 2016 and finally receiving a grant from the Horizon Europe programme in 2017, a management and scientific structure had to be set up within INCDSB to prepare and carry out the implementation and operation of the Romanian programme, a component of the pan-European research infrastructure.

The DANUBIUS department is therefore responsible for leading the preparation of the implementation of DANUBIUS-RO, the Romanian components of DANUBIUS-RI, and will be the INCDSB department of reference for the operation of the biological laboratories at the future DANUBIUS-RI Hub, to be built in Murighiol, Tulcea county. Specifically, the department acts as the Project Implementation Unit, with responsibilities in project management, procurement, legal, finance, works supervision, communication and reporting for the DANUBIUS-RO implementation project.

More details about DANUBIUS-RO can be found at here.