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National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences


International Centre for Advanced Sea-River Studies "DANUBIUS-RI"

DANUBIUS-RI, International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Systemsis a Romanian initiative for the development of a distributed, pan-European research infrastructure dedicated to the integrative study of river-sea systems.

DANUBIUS-RI aims to bring together the best existing expertise and leading facilities in Europe to create an international network to understand, characterise and manage river-sea systems globally.

This project is supported by a number of European countries, including Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, UK, Netherlands, Spain and Ukraine. Through their joint efforts, these countries are contributing to the development and promotion of advanced research in the field of river-sea systems with an impact on the protection and sustainable management of these vital ecosystems. Visit the project website for more information:

DANUBIUS-RI project evolution

  1. The first step towards obtaining DANUBIUS-ERIC

  2. It has been accepted on the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructure) roadmap. The project will be on the ESFRI roadmap for 10 years, during which time the research infrastructure should become operational. Thus, in order to meet the commitments made by the Romanian Government, the Romanian components of DANUBIUS-RI must be operational by March 2026.

    In December 2016 - the European Commission approved the H2020-DANUBIUS-Preparatory Phase project, with 30 partners from 17 countries, which aimed to bring DANUBIUS-RI to the maturity level required to start the ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) implementation phase.

  3. The Romanian Government declared it a "strategic project of national importance"

  4. It has been declared Flagship Project of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR)

DANUBIUS-RI infrastructure components in Romania: