Ana-Maria Gheorghe
Research Scientist III - Arctic and Antarctic Research
I have 15 years of experience in research and development, specialising in biomedical biotechnologies. My research focuses on the development of controlled and sustained drug delivery systems and pharmaceutical biotechnologies for transfusion medicine, including blood preservation media, technologies for the preservation of red blood cells and blood components, and the screening of anti-cancer agents.
Publication | Authors | data | |
Biodegradable Cross-Linked Composite Hydrogels Based On Natural Components And Akermanite Enriched With Small Molecules For Osteochondral Regeneration |
Elena Iulia Oprita; Teodora Ciucan; Ana Maria Seciu-Grama; Rodica Tatia; Reka Barabas; Orsolya C. Fazakas-Raduly; Ana Maria Gheorghe; Oana Craciunescu | Scandinavian Society For Biomaterials – 15Th Annual Meeting Scsb 2022,Jurmala, Letonia, 2022 | |
Abstract |
Network Analytics For Drug Repurposing In Covid-19 |
Siminea Nicoleta; Popescu Victor; Martin Jose Angel Sanchez; Florea Daniela; Gavril Georgiana; Gheorghe Ana-Maria; Itcus Corina; Kanhaiya Krishna; Pacioglu Octavian; Popa Laura Lona; Trandafir Romica; Tusa Maria Iris; Sidoroff Manuela; Paun Mihaela; Czeizler Eugen; Paun Andrei; Petre Ion | Briefings In Bioinformatics, 2022 | |
AbstractTo better understand the potential of drug repurposing in COVID-19, we analyzed control strategies over essential host factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection. We constructed comprehensive directed protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks integrating the top-ranked host factors, the drug target proteins and directed PPI data. We analyzed the networks to identify drug targets and combinations thereof that offer efficient control over the host factors. We validated our findings against clinical studies data and bioinformatics studies. Our method offers a new insight into the molecular details of the disease and into potentially new therapy targets for it. Our approach for drug repurposing is significant beyond COVID-19 and may be applied also to other diseases. |
The Effects Of Climatic Conditions On The Human Body Regarding Erythrocyte Viability |
Iris Tușa; Ana-Maria Gheorghe; Daniela Florea; Corina Ițcuș | Life Quality: Assessments, Approaches And Perspectives” Moeciu, Brașov, Romania, 2021 | |
Abstract |
Network Controllability Analysis For Drug Repurposing In Covid-19 |
Nicoleta Siminea; Victor Popescu; Jose Angel Sanchez Martin; Ana-Maria Dobre; Daniela Florea; Geor-giana Gavril; Corina Ițcuș; Krishna Kanhaiya; Octavian Pacioglu; Laura Ioana Popa; Romica Trandafir; Maria Iris Tușa; Manuela Sidoroff; Mihaela Păun; Eugen Czeizler; Andrei Păun; Ion Petre | The 29Th Conference On Inteligent Systems For Molecular Biology, Joint With The 20Th European Conference On Computational Biology, 2021 | |
Abstract |
Dna-Guided Assembly For Fibril Proteins |
Amarioarei Alexandru; Spencer Frankie; Barad Gefry; Gheorghe Ana-Maria; Itcus Corina; Tusa Iris; Prelipcean Ana-Maria; Paun Andrei; Paun Mihaela; Rodriguez-Paton Alfonso; Trandafir Romica; Czeizler Eugen | Mathematics, 2021 | |
AbstractCurrent advances in computational modelling and simulation have led to the inclusion of computer scientists as partners in the process of engineering of new nanomaterials and nanodevices. This trend is now, more than ever, visible in the field of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-based nanotechnology, as DNA's intrinsic principle of self-assembly has been proven to be highly algorithmic and programmable. As a raw material, DNA is a rather unremarkable fabric. However, as a way to achieve patterns, dynamic behavior, or nano-shape reconstruction, DNA has been proven to be one of the most functional nanomaterials. It would thus be of great potential to pair up DNA's highly functional assembly characteristics with the mechanic properties of other well-known bio-nanomaterials, such as graphene, cellulos, or fibroin. In the current study, we perform projections regarding the structural properties of a fibril mesh (or filter) for which assembly would be guided by the controlled aggregation of DNA scaffold subunits. The formation of such a 2D fibril mesh structure is ensured by the mechanistic assembly properties borrowed from the DNA assembly apparatus. For generating inexpensive pre-experimental assessments regarding the efficiency of various assembly strategies, we introduced in this study a computational model for the simulation of fibril mesh assembly dynamical systems. Our approach was based on providing solutions towards two main circumstances. First, we created a functional computational model that is restrictive enough to be able to numerically simulate the controlled aggregation of up to 1000s of elementary fibril elements yet rich enough to provide actionable insides on the structural characteristics for the generated assembly. Second, we used the provided numerical model in order to generate projections regarding effective ways of manipulating one of the the key structural properties of such generated filters, namely the average size of the openings (gaps) within these meshes, also known as the filter's aperture. This work is a continuation of Amarioarei et al., 2018, where a preliminary version of this research was discussed. |
Dna Origami Design And Implementation: The Romanian Map |
Popa Laura Ioana; Dobre Ana-Maria; Itcus Corina; Amarioarei Alexandru; Paun Andrei; Paun Mihaela; Pop Felician; Tusa Iris; Minh-Kha Nguyen; Kuzyk Anton; Czeizler Eugen | Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 2020 | |
AbstractSince its introduction in the early 2000s, DNA origami had a big impact on the development of nanotechnology by gathering numerous applications. During this time, many tools were designed and used to generate arbitrary shapes capable of self-assembly which make this technique more approachable. In this paper, we have created the map of Romania at nanoscale dimensions by using a new open-source software - PERDIX. For this purpose, we used a scaffold strand with a length of 6959 nucleotides and 162 staple strands with a variable length ranging between 20 and 63 nucleotides. All the computational tools that were used in this experiment are open-source and user-friendly. |
Erythrocyte Life Illustrated |
Daniela Bratosin; Iris Tusa; Ana Maria Gheorghe; Alexandrina Rugina; Catalin Iordachel; Manuela Sidoroff; Coralia Cotoraci; Violeta Turcus; Dana Zdremtan | Vergiliu, 2019 | |
Abstract |
Study On Human Body Adaptation To Antarctic Environmental Conditions Using Red Blood Cells As Biomarkers |
Iris Maria Tusa; Ana Maria Dobre; Corina Itcus; Manuela Sidoroff; Daniela Bratosin | Isaes 2019 Xiii International Symposium On Antarctic Earth Science, Incheon, Republic Of Korea, 2019 | |
Abstract |
Human Erythrocytes As A Biomarker To The Adaptation Of Organisms To Extreme Conditions |
Iris Tuşa; Ana-Maria Dobre; Corina Itcus; Manuela Sidoroff; Daniela Bratosin | 2Nd Icgeb Workshop “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health” (Bahh), Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
Abstract |
Simulation Of One Dimensional Staged Dna Tile Assembly By The Signal-Passing Hierarchical Tam |
Barad Gefry; Amarioarei Alexandru; Paun Mihaela; Dobre Ana Maria; Itcus Corina; Tusa Iris; Trandafir Romica; Czeizler Eugen | Knowledge-Based And Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (Kes 2019), 2019 | |
AbstractThe Tile Assembly Model, and its many variants, is one of the most fundamental algorithmic assembly formalism within DNA nanotechnology. Most of the research in this field is focused on the complexity of assembling different shapes and patterns. In many cases, the assembly process is intrinsically deterministic and the final product is unique, while the assembly process might evolve through several possible assembly strategies. In this study we consider the controlled assembly of one dimensional tile structures according to predefined assembly graphs. We provide algorithmic approaches for developing such controlled assembly protocols, using the signal-passing Tile Assembly Model, as well as probabilistic approaches for investigating the assembly of such tile-based one-dimensional structures. As a byproduct, we build a generalized TAS (tile assembly system) which generate specific non-local non-associative algebraic computations and we assamble n x n squares using only one tile, which is a better efficiency compared to the staged assembly model. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. |
Poluarea Și Peștii Din Arealul Dunării Și Deltei Dunării/ Pollution And Fishes From The Danube And Danube Delta Area |
Daniel Dorin Tăbăcaru; Manuela Elisabeta Sidoroff; Iris Maria Tușa; Ana Maria Dobre | Mind Shop, 2018 | |
Abstract |
Evaluation Of Dna Oligonucleotides Capacity For Binding To Nanocristaline Cellulose |
Iris Tușa; Ana-Maria Dobre | Workshop 2018 Algonano: Metode Algoritmice Și Computaționale În Bio-Medicină Și Nanotehnologie, 2018 | |
Abstract |
Computational Approaches For The Programmed Assembly Of Nanocellulose Meshes |
Alexandru Amarioarei; Frankie Spencer; Trandafir Romica; Gefry Barad; Ana Maria Dobre; Corina Itcus; Iris Tusa; Mihaela Paun; Andrei Paun and Eugen Czeizler | 3Rd International Workshop On Verification Of Engineered Molecular Devices And Programs, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2018 | |
Abstract |
Dna-Guided Assembly Of Nanocellulose Meshes |
Alexandru Amărioarei; Gefry Barad; Eugen Czeizler; Ana-Maria Dobre; Corina Iţcuş; Victor Mitrana; Andrei Păun; Mihaela Păun; Frankie Spencer; Romică Trandafir; Iris Tuşa | International Conference On Theory And Practice Of Natural Computing, Tpnc 2018: Theory And Practice Of Natural Computing, 2018 | |
Abstract |
Biomaterial Compozit Peliculogen Cu Acţiune Terapeutică |
Iordachel C; Tcacenco L; Sidoroff M. E.; Gheorghe A.M.; Berteanu E.; Enache M.I | State Office For Inventions And Trademarks (Osim), 2018 | |
Abstract |
3D Dna Origami Map Structure Simulation |
Itcus Corina; Amarioarei Alexandru; Czeizler Eugen; Dobre Ana-Maria; Mitrana Victor; Negre Florentina; Paun Andrei; Paun Mihaela; Sidoroff Manuela Elisabeta; Trandafir Romica; Tusa Iris | Romanian Journal Of Information Science And Technology, 2018 | |
AbstractThis paper presents the latest trends and approaches used for constructing nanoscale structures of 2D objects through DNA folding based on the DNA origami technology developed by Rothemund. The Rothemund method has been used in the construction of various shapes, such as the development of the nanoscale structure for the United States map. Following the steps of Rothemund's technique, we simulate the construction of the Romanian map nanoscale 2D structure, embedding the number 100 into it. |
One Dimensional Dna Tiles Self Assembly Model Simulation |
Amarioarei Alexandru; Barad Gefry; Czeizler Elena; Czeizler Eugen; Dobre Ana-Maria; Itcus Corina; Paun Andrei; Paun Mihaela; Trandafir Romica; Tusa Iris | International Journal Of Unconventional Computing, 2018 | |
AbstractThe TAM (Model Tile Assembly Model) is a mathematical paradigm for modeling DNA self-assembling according to various given shapes, using DNA-tiles (rectangular shape) with sticky ends on each of the four edges that bound together on various shapes desired by the researcher. Although there are various models in the literature, the focus in this manuscript is on a rule based model, specifically the authors present an overview of the one-dimensional hierarchical self-assembly model of DNA tiles. The authors also present the evolution of number of tiles in partial assemblies, the average assembly size and of the number of partial assemblies of sizes 2 through 10 over the total running time. All simulations were run using the NFSim simulator on a preset period of time. |
Potential Of Microbial Functional Communities For High-Tech Critical Metals Recovery |
Butu A.; Rodino S.; Dobre A.; Butu M. | Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2016 | |
AbstractAccording to European Commission reports published between 2010 - 2013, the development of European economy depends crucially on access to critical raw materials. Following the analysis performed by experts at European level, in 2011 was compiled and published a list of 14 critical raw materials, the so-called EU-14. In 2014 the list was updated with several new elements and one element (tantalum), was withdrawn from the list. The current list, being renamed EU-20, covers 20 critical raw materials including several high tech critical metals. Traditional mine exploitations are concentrated on using the deposits of ore extracted and processed by conventional techniques. The efficiency of metal recovery was variable over time and as a result, a significant amount of metal was discarded, most concentrations exceeding the current minimal permissible threshold. On the other hand, it is necessary the recovery of recyclable waste for reducing the risk of shortage of high tech critical metals. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new technologies for obtaining high tech critical metals, which is applicable to both primary and secondary sources of raw materials. Recovery of high-tech critical metals by processing ore, tailings or mine wastes, and recyclable materials can be successfully done with help of consortia or individual isolates of microorganisms, bacteria or fungi. Microorganisms interact with metals thus altering their physical and chemical condition. Isolation of individual strains and identification of microbial consortia that can be used in the design and development of effective biotechnological processes for the extraction of high tech critical metals is a current challenge of the scientific research in Europe. © 2016 Vasile Goldis University Press. |
Flow Cytometric Evaluation Of Low Intensity Laser Action On Human Red Blood Cells (Rbcs) Viability Stored In Sagm Medium For 3 Weeks |
Dobre A. M.; Mateescu-Tusa I.; Bratosin D.; Siposan D. | Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials And Biostructures, 2015 | |
AbstractTransfusion medicine relies on the possibility of storing red blood cells (RBCs) for a prolonged period of time. A better understanding of the nature of changes in stored RBCs may provide new strategies to improve the balance of benefits and transfusion's risks. In the light of recent results on the mechanism of programmed cell death of RBCs (erythroptosis), where numerous cellular changes are common hallmarks of the apoptotic phenomenon, we have developed new flow cytometric criteria to evaluate the viability of stored erythrocytes. In order to evaluate the possible benefic effect of low-intensity laser irradiation for increasing the blood preservation period, we irradiated the whole blood from healthy donors in specially designed bags for research purposes by MacoPharma Company containing SAGM medium, and conserved it for 3 weeks. LED (Light emitting diode) (lambda=465nm, P=60mW, P/S=100mW/cm(2)) and laser diode (lambda=660nm, P=30mW, P/S= 50mW/cm(2)) in continuous wave have been used as sources of irradiation. Doses were ranged between 0 and 2J/cm(3). After that period RBCs were analyzed by flow cytometry for morphological changes (FSC/SSC), apoptosis/necrosis analysis (FITC-annexin-V labeling/PI) and viability using an original Calcein-AM method on a FACScan cytometer using CellQuest Pro software for acquisition and analysis. Complementary, the RBCs integrity was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Morphological changes assessment of red blood cells by flow cytometry and scanning electron microscopy showed a good preservation of the discoidal shape for the irradiated cells compared with control. |
Evaluation Of Biocompatibility Of Composite Biomaterial With Anti-Inflammatory Action And Stimulating Tissue Recovery Process |
Iordachel C.; Berteanu E.; Zuav A.-L.; Enache M.-I.; Dobre A.-M.; Manoiu S.; Paraschiv M.; Tcacenco L. | Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis, Seria Stiintele Vietii (Life Sciences Series), 2014 | |
Abstract |
article, conference
Preliminary Studies On The Capacity Of Some Microorganisms For The Synthesis Of Phytases |
Dobre A.; Grosu I; Buţu A.; Cornea C. P. | International Conference „Agriculture For Life, Life For Agriculture”, University Of Agronomic Sciences And Veterinary Medicine – Bucharest, Bucharest, Scientific Bulletin. Series F: Biotechnologies, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Assessment Of Nanoparticles Toxicity By Flow Cytometry Using Human Erythrocytes |
Mateescu Tuşa I.; Rugina A.; Dobre A-M.; Ciotec A.; Calu L.; Stan L.; Dumitrache F.; Fleaca C.; Morjan I.; Cotoraci C.; Bratosin D. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Life Sciences Series, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Composite Biomaterial With Anti-Inflammatory Action, And Stimulating Tissue Recovery Process-Biocompatibility Evaluation |
Iordachel C.; Berteanu E.; Zuav A.L.; Enache M.I.; Dobre A.M.; Manoiu S.; Paraschiv M.; Tcacenco L. | Symposium On Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health Bahh, Bucharest, Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Optimization Of Biosynthesis Conditions For Producing Of Bacterial Phytase |
Dobre A.; Rodino S.; Fidler G.; Buţu A.; Cornea C. P. | Joint Iubmb/Icgeb Symposium “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health – Bahh”, National Institute Of Research And Development For Biological Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Changes In Phenolics And Protein Content During Seed Germination Of Carthamus Tinctorius L. |
Palade L. M.; Manole C.; Dobre A.; Marin L.; Golea D.; Tudora C. | The 14Th International Symposium Prospects For The 3Rd Millennium Agriculture, University Of Agricultural Sciences And Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Screening Of Soil Bacteria For Phytase Activity |
Dobre A.; Grosu I.; Nicoleta A.; Buțu A.; Cornea P. C. | The 14Th International Symposium Prospects For The 3Rd Millennium Agriculture, University Of Agricultural Sciences And Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Detection Of Antagonistic Activity Of Bacteria Against Phytophthora Infestans And Pythium Debaryanum |
Dobre A.; Marin L.; Manole C.; Golea D.; Palade L. M.; Tudora C.; Cornea P. C. | The 14Th International Symposium Prospects For The 3Rd Millennium Agriculture, University Of Agricultural Sciences And Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
New Method To Improve The Viability Of Red Blood Cells For Transfusion: A Comparative Study Of Rbcs Collected By Standard And Automated Process Ensuring A Proportional Anticoagulation |
Mateescu-Tusa I.; Dobre A-M.; Calu L.; Verpoort T.; Goudaliez F.; Behague M.; Smagghe E.; Huart J.J.; Sidoroff M.; Cotoraci C.; Bratosin D. | Joint Iubmb/Icgeb Symposium “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health – Bahh”, National Institute Of Research And Development For Biological Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Cartilage Tissue Engineering: From Chondrocyte Expansion To Biomaterial Scafold |
Ciotec A.; Oprita I.; Gheorghe A-M.; Rugina A.; Calu L.; Stan L.; Sidoroff M.; Efimov N.; Iordachel C.; Bratosin D. | Joint Iubmb/Icgeb Symposium “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health – Bahh”, National Institute Of Research And Development For Biological Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 2014 | |
Abstract |
Evaluation Of Biocompatibility Of Composite Biomaterial With Anti-Inflammatory Action, And Stimulating Tissue Recovery Process |
Iordachel C.; Berteanu E.; Zuav A.-L.; Enache M.-I.; Dobre A.-M.; Manoiu S.; Paraschiv M.; Tcacenco L. | Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2014 | |
AbstractThe paper refers to a bioactive matrix in membrane shape, with a thickness of 0.5 - 1.0 mm, and consisting of gelatine, chitosan, and α-chymotrypsin, with or without addition of glutaraldehyde as a cross-linking agent. The bioproduct is a biomaterial with biomedical applications as biocompatible membrane with anti-inflammatory action due to coupling of the proteolytic enzyme. Bioproducts have complex implications in the treatment of traumatized tissue, accelerating the pus cleansing of infected wound, blood clots and other cellular debris, secretions liquefaction and cleansing of necrotic tissue, and also stimulating tissue regeneration and a faster healing of open infected wounds. In order to establish the influence of cross- linking process and membrane’s thickness on mechanical properties, ultrastructural studies were carried out on obtained biomaterials by electron microscopy analysis. To demonstrate the biological qualities of new enzymatic biomaterials, the membrane’s biological effect was analyzed in a cell culture model (mouse fibroblasts NCTC). © 2014 Vasile Goldis University Press. |
Screening Of Some Indigenous Plants For Identifying The Inhibitory Effect Against Phytophthora Infestans |
Rodino S.; Dobre A.; Buţu M. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldis”, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Testing Of The Antifungal Effect Of Extracts Of Burdock, Thyme And Rough Cocklebur |
Buţu M.; Dobre A.; Rodino S.; Buţu A.; Lupuleasa D. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldis”, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2013 | |
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article, conference
Comparative Flow Cytometric Analysis Of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Izolated By Different Methodes For Regenerative Medicine |
Ciotec A.; Tatia R.; Dobre A.M.; Efimov N.; Iordachel C.; Bratosin D.; Oprita I. | Al V-Lea Congres Internaţional De Biologie Celulară Şi Cea De-A Xxxi-A Sesiune Ştiinţifică Anuală A Srbc, Timisoara, Romania, Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Life Sciences Series, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Toxicity Evaluation By Flow Cytometric Analyses Of Nanoparticles Using The Unicellular Alga Chlorella, |
Petrescu C-M.; Calu L.; Dobre A-M.; Turcus V.; Bratosin D. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Life Sciences Series, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Studiul Extractelor De Sambucus Nigra În Vederea Evidențierii Potențialului Antimicrobian |
Rodino S.; Dobre A.; Marin L.; M. Buțu; Cornea P. C. | Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala A Incdsb, Bucuresti, Romania, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Evaluation Of Nanoparticles Toxicity By Flow Cytometric Analyses Using The Unicellular Alga Chlorella |
Petrescu C-M.; Gheorghe A-M.; Calu L.; Turcus V.; Mihali C-V.; Bratosin D. | The 5 Th International Congress And The 31 Th Annual Scientific Session Of Rscb, Timişoara, Romania, The Academic Days Of Arad-The 23-Rd Edition, Arad, Romania, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Evaluation Of The Antibacterial Activity Of Selected Plant Extracts |
Rodino S.; Buţu A.; Dobre A.; Buţu M.; Cornea C. P. | The International Conference Of The Uasvm Of Bucharest „Agriculture For Life, Life For Agriculture, Bucharest, Romania, 2013 | |
Abstract |
Flow Cytometric Analysis Of Human Chondrocytes Cultured In A New Medium For Autologous Therapie And Tissue Engineering Cartilage |
Bratosin D.; Gheorghe A-M.; Rugina A.; Mos L.; Efimov N.; Iordachel C.; Sidoroff M.; Estaquier J. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Life Sciences Series, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Flow Cytometric Analysis Of Normal And Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes With Lectins |
Ciotec A.C.L; Dobre (Gheorghe) A.M.; Rugina A.; Calu L.; Stan L.; Lungu M.; Efimov N.; Iordachel C.; Bratosin D. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldis” Arad, Life Sciences Series, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Studii Preliminare Privind Înglobarea Polipeptidului Anticancerigen Bortezomib În Vectori De Transport-Lipozomi |
Dobre A.; Golea D.; Grosu I.; Buţu M. | Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala A Incdsb, Bucuresti, Romania, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Catalizatori Solizi Neconventionali Folosiţi In Transesterificarea Trigliceridelor |
Grosu I.; Dobre A. | Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala A Incdsb, Bucuresti, Romania, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Caracterizarea Electrochimica A Polipeptidului Anticancerigen Bortezomib |
Golea D.; Dobre A.; Buţu A. | Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala A Incdsb, Bucuresti, Romania, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Evaluarea Activităţii Antifungice A Extractelor De Cimbru, Corneti Şi Brusture |
Dobre A.; Grosu I.; Rodino S. | Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala A Incdsb, Bucuresti, Romania, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Flow Cytometric Applications In Biomedical Research, Cell Sorting And Biotechnology |
Gheorghe A-M.; Rugina A.; Petrescu M.; Covaci A.; Turcuș V.; Bratosin D. | Al Viii-Lea Congres Național De Citometrie, Bucuresti, Romania, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Flow Cytometric Analyses In Cell Therapy For New Strategies In Cartilage Diseases |
Gheorghe A-M.; Rugina A.; Ciotec A.C.L.; Lungu M.; Efimov N.; Oprita I.; Iordachel C.; Sidoroff M.; Bratosin D. | Al 8-Lea Congres National De Citometrie, Bucuresti, Romania, Conferinta Internationala Cellular Therapy And Biomaterials For Regenerative Medicine, Arad, Romania, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Flow Cytometric Analyses Of Normal And Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes With Lectins |
Ciotec A.C.L.; Gheorghe A-M.; Rugina A.; Calu L.; Stan L.; Lungu M.; Oprita I.; Efimov N.; Iordachel C.; Bratosin D. | Conferinta Internationala Cellular Therapy And Biomaterials For Regenerative Medicine, Arad, Romania, Joint Iubmb/Icgeb Symposium “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health – Bahh”, National Institute Of Research And Development For Biological Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Avantajele Utilizării Sofranelului In Vederea Obtinerii De Biodiesel |
Dobre A. | Conferinţa Internaţională "Biocombustibilii – Sursă Comună De Dezvoltare Sustenabilă In Zona De Cooperare Transfrontalieră", Ruse/ Bulgaria, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Biocompatibility Of Carbon-Iron Based Nanoparticles Assessment By Flow Citometry Using Human Red Blood Cells |
Dumitrache F.; Fleaca C.; Rugina A.; Gheorghe A-M.; Ciotec A.C.L; Alexandrescu R.; Luculescu C.; Gavrila-Florescu L.; Voicu I.; Morjan I.; Bratosin D. | E-Mrs 2012 Spring Meeting Of The European Materials Research Society (E-Mrs), Strasbourg, France, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Engineering Cartilage Tissue: From Chondrocyte Expansion To Biomaterial Scaffold |
Ciotec A.C.L.; Takacs-Buia L.; Rugina A.; Gheorghe A-M.; Efimov N.; Iordachel C.; Sidoroff M.; Bratosin D. | Ecopram 2012-3Rd European Congress On Preventive, Regenerative And Anti-Aging Medicine, Istanbul, Turcia, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Flow Cytometric Analysis Of Cell Death And Viability Of Osteoarthritic Chondrocytes Cultured In Presence Of Apoptosis Inhibitors For Tissue Engineering |
Gheorghe A.M; Ciotec A.C.L.; Iordachel C; Efimov N.; Bratosin D | Conferinta Internationala Cellular Therapy And Biomaterials For Regenerative Medicine, Arad, Romania, 2012 | |
Abstract |
Flow Cytometric Analysis Of Encapsulated Chondrocytes In Alginate Gel Cultures For Cartilage Tissue Engineerin |
Buia L; Iordachel C.; Gheorghe A.M; Rugina A.; Mos L; Efimov N.; Bratosin D. | Conferinta Internationala Cellular Therapy And Biomaterials For Regenerative Medicine, Arad, Romania, 2012 | |
Abstract |
In Vitro Toxi - And Ecotoxicological Assessment Of Porphyrine Nanomaterials By Flow Cytometry Using Nucleated Erythrocytes |
Bratosin Daniela; Fagadar-Cosma Eugenia; Gheorghe Ana-Maria; Rugina Alexandrina; Ardelean Aurel; Montreuil Jean; Marinescu Alexandru Gabriel | Carpathian Journal Of Earth And Environmental Sciences, 2011 | |
AbstractThe use of nanoparticles for biological and medical applications has rapidly increased and the potential for human and ecological toxicity is a growing area of investigation. For assessing cytotoxicity of nanoparticles we developed a new experimental cell system based on the use of nucleated erythrocytes (RBCs) from fish and batrachians, which are directly exposed to pollutants or nanoparticles absorbed by different ways and we have evaluated the toxic effects by flow cytometric analysis. The two modes of cell death (apoptosis and necrosis) differ fundamentally in their morphology, biochemistry and biological relevance. We and others have recently shown that programmed cell death of nucleated erythrocytes is related to an apoptotic mechanism. The toxicological analysis were performed comparatively on porphyrin base or metalloporphyrin and for each porphyrin bare derivative on two correspondent porphyrin-silica-hybrid nanomaterials obtained by one step acid catalysis and by two steps acid-base catalysis. To evaluate cell-nanoparticles interactions, nucleated RBCs were exposed to different concentrations of nanocomposites and analyzed by flow cytometry, after 24h incubation endpoints for morphological changes (FSC/SSC), apoptosis/necrosis analysis (FITC-annexin-V labeling/PI) and viability (using calcein-AM method). The investigation showed that the type of cellular death of nucleated erythrocytes is related to an apoptotic mechanism and that flow cytometric analysis of nucleated RBCs viability and cell death discrimination could provide a rapid and accurate analytical tool for evaluating in vitro the biological responses towards of nanoparticles for environmental protection. Nucleated erythrocytes can be a new experimental cellular model easy to use, with no costs for culture and for maintaining in the culture. The results reported in the present study indicate that our new flow cytometric protocols can be used to create dose-response curves which allow us to determine EC50 for toxicity or ecotoxicity tests. It is also generally applicable for identifying harmful effects associated with general antropic impact for the aquatic environment and for its biomonitoring. |
Flow Cytrometric Analysis Of Red Blood Cells In Polycythemia Vera |
Gheorghe A.-M.; Rugina A.; Moicean A.D.; Ardelean A.; Bratosin D. | Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2011 | |
AbstractPolycythemia vera (PV) is characterized by an absolute increase in the red blood cell mass, but the mechanisms are not completely understood. In this study, we identified by flow cytometric analysis morphological forms that deviate from the classical discoid shape, who had level. Measurement of glycoconjugate sialylation using lectines demonstrates but which is close to normal after treatment and an increased percentage of cells with active caspase-8 and -3 compared to normal RBCs, showing that the organism tries to restore the apoptotic mechanism for maintaining the normal hematocrit. may contribute elucidation of the mechanism this diseasea more viability determined by Calcein-AM method and a normal phosphatidylserine exposure a low degree of sialilation of membrane glycoconjugates of Polycythemia vera RBCs Our observations for understanding the survival of RBCs in Polycythemia vera and may also participate in elucidation of the mechanism this diseasein pathogenesis of this disease. © 2011 Vasile Goldis University Press. |
Nucleated Erythrocytes - A New Experimental Cell Model For Assessing In Vitro Toxicity, Ecotoxicity And To Determine The Safety Of Fresh Fish Products. A Review |
Bratosin D.; Rugina A.; Gheorghe A.-M.; Stana I.; Turcus V.; Fagadar E.; Ardelean A. | Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2011 | |
AbstractThe human activities have a negative impact to the environment, consisting in the water contamination with toxic products, heavy metals or with xenobiotic substances. Manufactured nanomaterials (nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanosheets and nanowires) have recent applications in drug delivery, medical devices, cosmetics, chemical catalysts, optoelectronics, electronics and magnetics. Some nanomaterials have been found to be toxic to humans and other organisms either upon contact or after persistent environmental exposure. In present, the measurements of the pollution degree are made with two methods: phisyco-chemical methods and ecotoxicological test (bioassay or environmental biosensors). Our results indicate that flow cytometric analysis of nucleated red blood cells viability using calcein-AM and cell death discrimination could provide a rapid and accurate experimental cellular model for effectively screening and evaluating biological responses for in vitro nanotoxicology and can be used in ecotoxicology as bioassays for the ecological monitoring of aquatic environment. In the some time, our results indicate that the use of nucleated erythocytes could be potentially useful for the development of rapid and low cost safety tests to assess fisheries product quality. © 2011 Vasile Goldis University Press. |