Manuela Sidoroff
CS I - Șef departament Danubius
Sunt Coordonatorul DANUBIUS-RO și Reprezentantul României în Consiliul de Administrație al Centrului Internațional de Inginerie Genetică și Biotehnologie (ICGEB) din Trieste, Italia.
De asemenea, îndeplinesc rolul de Reprezentant al României în cadrul Reuniunii Consultative a Tratatului Antarctic (ATCM) și ocup poziția de Vicepreședinte al Comisiei Naționale de Cercetare Antarctică a Academiei Române.
Sunt Președintele Societății Române de Biotehnologie și Bioinginerie (SRBB), care este membră a Federației Europene de Biotehnologie. În plus, am avut privilegiul de a fi Director General al INCDSB între anii 2005 și 2020.
Publication | Authors | Date | |
Sinergies And Collaboration Opportunities In Research – Education – Innovation For River – Sea Systens |
M. E. Sidoroff; M. Paraschiv; C. Itcus; O. Pacioglu; I.-M. Tusa | The 7Th International Conference Ecological And Environmental Chemistry, Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova, 2022 | |
Rezumat |
Ecophysiological And Life – History Adaptation Of Gammarus Balcanicus (Schaferna, 1922) In A Sinking – Cave Stream From Western Carpathians (Romania) |
O. Pacioglu; I. M. Tușa; M. Sidoroff; D. Florea; G. Gavril; C. Ițcuș | The 7Th International Conference Ecological And Environmental Chemistry, Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova, 2022 | |
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Identification And Measurments Of Organochlorine Compounds In Danube Delta |
C. Itcus; C. Coman; L. Popa. D. Florea; M. Sidoroff; I. Tusa | The 7Th International Conference Ecological And Environmental Chemistry, Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova, 2022 | |
Rezumat |
Pshysico – Chemical And Microbiological Assessment Of Waters And Sediments From Danube Delta |
C. Itcus; I. Tusa; O. Pacioglu; D. Florea; G. Gavril; M. Sidoroff; C. Coman | The 7Th International Conference Ecological And Environmental Chemistry, Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova, 2022 | |
Rezumat |
How Accurate Is The Remote Sensing Based Estimate Of Water Physico-Chemical Parameters In The Danube Delta (Romania)? |
Necula Marian; Tusa Iris Maria; Sidoroff Manuela Elisabeta; Itcus Corina; Florea Daniela; Amarioarei Alexandru; Paun Andrei; Pacioglu Octavian; Paun Mihaela | Annals Of Forest Research, 2022 | |
RezumatThe current paper estimated the physico-chemical properties of water in the Danube Delta (Romania), based on Sentinel 2 remote sensing data. Eleven sites from the Danube Delta were sampled in spring and autumn for three years (2018-2020) and 21 water physico-chemical parameters were measured in laboratory. Several families of machine learning algorithms, translated into hundreds of models with different parameterizations for each machine learning algorithm, based on remote sensing data input from Sentinel 2 spectral bands, were employed to find the best models that predicted the values measured in laboratory. This was a novel approach, reflected in the types of selected models that minimised the values of performance metrics for the tested parameters. For alkalinity, calcium, chloride, carbon dioxide, hardness, potassium, sodium, ammonium, dissolved oxygen, sulphates, and suspended matter the results were promising, with an overall percentage bias of the estimates of +/- 10% from the observed values. For copper, magnesium, nitrites, nitrates, turbidity and zinc the estimates were fairly accurate, with percentage biases in the interval +/- 10% - 20%, whereas for detergents, led, and phosphates the percentage bias was higher than 20%. Overall, the results of the current study showed fairly good estimates between remote sensing based estimates and laboratory measured values for most water physico-chemical parameters. |
Network Analytics For Drug Repurposing In Covid-19 |
Siminea Nicoleta; Popescu Victor; Martin Jose Angel Sanchez; Florea Daniela; Gavril Georgiana; Gheorghe Ana-Maria; Itcus Corina; Kanhaiya Krishna; Pacioglu Octavian; Popa Laura Lona; Trandafir Romica; Tusa Maria Iris; Sidoroff Manuela; Paun Mihaela; Czeizler Eugen; Paun Andrei; Petre Ion | Briefings In Bioinformatics, 2022 | |
RezumatTo better understand the potential of drug repurposing in COVID-19, we analyzed control strategies over essential host factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection. We constructed comprehensive directed protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks integrating the top-ranked host factors, the drug target proteins and directed PPI data. We analyzed the networks to identify drug targets and combinations thereof that offer efficient control over the host factors. We validated our findings against clinical studies data and bioinformatics studies. Our method offers a new insight into the molecular details of the disease and into potentially new therapy targets for it. Our approach for drug repurposing is significant beyond COVID-19 and may be applied also to other diseases. |
The Best Management Practices In Agriculture For Protection Of Inland Water Ecosystems |
Pacioglu O.; Tușa I.M.; Sidoroff M.E.; Ițcuș C. | Encyclopedia Of Inland Waters, Second Edition, 2022 | |
RezumatImpact on aquatic ecosystems from intensive agriculture can be mitigated through a variety of structural and management conservation practices. This article provides an overview of the main Best Management Practices (BMP) for reducing direct or indirect detrimental impact from agriculture on inland waters’ quality and ecological status. The BMP's have been shown to be more efficient compared to conventional ones and comprise a set of recommendations that should be considered carefully by environmental scientists, stakeholders, farmers and land-owners alike. © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved |
book, book chapter
The Best Management Practices In Agriculture For Protection Of Inland Water Ecosystems - Encyclopedia Of Inland Waters, 2Nd Edition, Elsevier |
Pacioglu O.; Tușa I. M.; Sidoroff M. E.; Ițcuș C. | Elsevier, 2021 | |
Rezumat |
Network Controllability Analysis For Drug Repurposing In Covid-19 |
Nicoleta Siminea; Victor Popescu; Jose Angel Sanchez Martin; Ana-Maria Dobre; Daniela Florea; Geor-giana Gavril; Corina Ițcuș; Krishna Kanhaiya; Octavian Pacioglu; Laura Ioana Popa; Romica Trandafir; Maria Iris Tușa; Manuela Sidoroff; Mihaela Păun; Eugen Czeizler; Andrei Păun; Ion Petre | The 29Th Conference On Inteligent Systems For Molecular Biology, Joint With The 20Th European Conference On Computational Biology, 2021 | |
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Medicinal And Aromatic Plants From The Wild Flora Of Dobrogea (Romania) |
Gille E.; Cretu R-M; Stefanache C-P; Gavril G-L; Manuela Elisabeta Sidoroff | Autograph, 2020 | |
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Erythrocyte Life Illustrated |
Daniela Bratosin; Iris Tusa; Ana Maria Gheorghe; Alexandrina Rugina; Catalin Iordachel; Manuela Sidoroff; Coralia Cotoraci; Violeta Turcus; Dana Zdremtan | Vergiliu, 2019 | |
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Diversity And Structure Of Microbial Communities In Glacier Ice And Subglacial Streams, King George Island, Antarctica |
Corina Itcus; Soon Gyu Hong; Constantin Marin; Iris Tusa; Cristian Coman; Manuela Sidoroff; Cristina Purcarea | Isaes 2019 Xiii International Symposium On Antarctic Earth Science, Incheon, Republic Of Korea, 2019 | |
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Study On Human Body Adaptation To Antarctic Environmental Conditions Using Red Blood Cells As Biomarkers |
Iris Maria Tusa; Ana Maria Dobre; Corina Itcus; Manuela Sidoroff; Daniela Bratosin | Isaes 2019 Xiii International Symposium On Antarctic Earth Science, Incheon, Republic Of Korea, 2019 | |
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Human Erythrocytes As A Biomarker To The Adaptation Of Organisms To Extreme Conditions |
Iris Tuşa; Ana-Maria Dobre; Corina Itcus; Manuela Sidoroff; Daniela Bratosin | 2Nd Icgeb Workshop “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health” (Bahh), Bucharest, Romania, 2019 | |
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Poluarea Și Peștii Din Arealul Dunării Și Deltei Dunării/ Pollution And Fishes From The Danube And Danube Delta Area |
Daniel Dorin Tăbăcaru; Manuela Elisabeta Sidoroff; Iris Maria Tușa; Ana Maria Dobre | Mind Shop, 2018 | |
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Bacterial Community Structure In Glacier Ice And Subglacial Streams, Antarctica |
Corina Itcus; Constantin Marin; Soon Gyu Hong; Paris Lavin; Cristian Coman; Iris Tusa; Manuela E. Sidoroff; Cristina Purcarea | Polar 2018 – Xxxv Scar Biennial Meetings – Open Science Conference, Davos, Elveția, 2018 | |
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Ice Microbiome: From Antarctic Glaciers To Alpine Ice Caves |
Cristina Purcarea;Corina Itcus; Constantin Marin; Soon Gyu Hong; Victoria I. Paun; Aurel Persoiu; Paris Lavin; Traian Brad; Alexandra Hillebrand-Voiculescu; Denisa Pascu; Cristian Coman; Iris Tusa; Manuela E. Sidoroff | Polar 2018 – Xxxv Scar Biennial Meetings – Open Science Conference, Davos, Elveția, 2018 | |
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Biomaterial Compozit Peliculogen Cu Acţiune Terapeutică |
Iordachel C; Tcacenco L; Sidoroff M. E.; Gheorghe A.M.; Berteanu E.; Enache M.I | State Office For Inventions And Trademarks (Osim), 2018 | |
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3D Dna Origami Map Structure Simulation |
Itcus Corina; Amarioarei Alexandru; Czeizler Eugen; Dobre Ana-Maria; Mitrana Victor; Negre Florentina; Paun Andrei; Paun Mihaela; Sidoroff Manuela Elisabeta; Trandafir Romica; Tusa Iris | Romanian Journal Of Information Science And Technology, 2018 | |
RezumatThis paper presents the latest trends and approaches used for constructing nanoscale structures of 2D objects through DNA folding based on the DNA origami technology developed by Rothemund. The Rothemund method has been used in the construction of various shapes, such as the development of the nanoscale structure for the United States map. Following the steps of Rothemund's technique, we simulate the construction of the Romanian map nanoscale 2D structure, embedding the number 100 into it. |
Classification Of Romanian Salt Water Lakes By Statistical Methods |
Amarioarei A.; Itcus C.; Tusa I.; Sidoroff M.; Paun M. | Journal Of Environmental Protection And Ecology, 2018 | |
RezumatInvestigation of the lake systems can provide a variety of information that can lead to the development of general concepts about how lakes function and respond to environmental changes. The purpose of this study is to assess the current classification of therapeutic lakes based on supervised learning methods applied to several biochemical characteristics of such lakes. In order to classify the therapeutic lakes in a separate class, a dataset consisting of 45 observations from 9 different basins and from three different altitude categories was analysed using clustering and classification methods. |
Pe Urmele Giganților |
Manuela Elisabeta Sidoroff ; Cristina Purcarea; Cristi Coman; Iris Tusa; Corina Itcus; Aurel Persoiu | Editura Academiei, 2017 | |
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Influence Of Ecological Conditions From Antarctica Of Human Erythrocytes Viability. Preliminary Report |
Tusa I.; Sidoroff M.; Bratosin D. | Xxxiv Scar Biennal Meetings- Open Science Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaezia, 2016 | |
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Spatial Diversity Of Glacier Ice Bacteria From King George Island (Nw Antarctica) |
Corina Itcus; Cristian Coman; Constantin Marin; Tue Kjærgaard Nielsen; Lars Hansen; Iris Tusa; Manuela E. Sidoroff; Cristina Purcarea | Xxxiv Scar Biennal Meetings- Open Science Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaezia, 2016 | |
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Measuring Funded Research Performance For Multidisciplinary Research In The Danube Basin |
Sidoroff M.; Paraschiv M.; Amarioarei A.; Paun M. | Journal Of Environmental Protection And Ecology, 2016 | |
RezumatEvaluation of funded research, by measuring the outcomes of the grants publications, journals, and citations is not always done comparatively and publicised. Bibliometric indicators were employed and applied to the 2009-2014 publications authored by academicians funded by European research grants that are indexed in the Web of Science. Citation based approaches, such as the h-index or the impact factor, have been widely used to evaluate researchers or journals. In this study we use the aforementioned H-index to evaluate the funded research grants and to provide a ranking in terms of the most successful ones. The ranking results can be used by evaluators in determining how successful an applicant has potential to be, but also by researchers to choose their publication outlets, or to pursue future collaborations. |
Evaluation Of Biodegradation And Biocompatibility Of Collagen/Chitosan/Alkaline Phosphatase Biopolymeric Membranes |
Berteanu E.; Ionita D.; Simoiu M.; Paraschiv M.; Tatia R.; Apatean A.; Sidoroff M.; Tcacenco L. | Bulletin Of Materials Science, 2016 | |
RezumatThe aim of this study was to develop a new variant of membranes based on collagen (COL), chitosan (CHI) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) immobilized and cross-linking with glutaraldehyde (GA) at different concentrations. The biodegradation in the presence of collagenase was investigated. Biocompatibility was evaluated by MTT assay using a mouse fibroblast cell culture type NCTC (clone 929). Non-cross-linked samples were biocompatible and membranes cross-linked with low concentrations of GA (0.04, 0.08%) were also biocompatible. However, high concentrations of GA lead to a decreased biocompatibility. The adsorption behaviour of Ca2+ ions to all membranes were evaluated using the Freundlich isotherms. Haemolytic studies were performed in order to consider their applications in biomineralization process. By the addition of collagen and ALP to chitosan, the haemolytic index decreases, the COL-CHI-ALP membrane being in the non-haemolytic domain, while the COL-CHI-ALP-GA membrane has a haemolytic index greater than 2, and is slightly haemolytic. |
New Biopolymeric Membranes With Vegetal Plants Extracts And Potential Anti-Inflammatory Effect For Use In Tissue Therapy |
Berteanu Elena; Ionita Daniela; Simoiu Madalina; Paraschiv Maria; Sidoroff Manuela; Tcacenco Luminita | Materiale Plastice, 2016 | |
RezumatThe paper presents a method for elaboration and characterization some chitosan-gelatine membranes with different collagen gelatine mass ratio, cross-linked with glutaraldehyde (GA) and coupled with extract plants. The aqueous extracts obtained from these plants were analyzed in terms of biologically active substances content (amino acids, polyphenols and phytosterols). The investigation for all obtained membranes involves: SEM microscopy, porosity, degradation test, contact angles measurement, hemolisys and antibacterian index determination. |
Twenty Years Of Research On Water Management Issues In The Danube Macro-Region - Past Developments And Future Directions |
Feldbacher Eva; Paun Mihaela; Reckendorfer Walter; Sidoroff Manuela; Stanica Adrian; Strimbu Bogdan; Tusa Iris; Vulturescu Viorel; Heina Thomas | Science Of The Total Environment, 2016 | |
RezumatThe Danube River-Danube Delta-Black Sea (DBS) region has witnessed major political, social and economic changes during the past three decades, which have profoundly affected the riverine, coastal and marine systems, their water management situation and the development of related research programmes. We reviewed the research activities in the DBS system of the past twenty years to determine the main funding bodies and to assess key research areas and how they varied over time and geographic region. As data basis we used a metadatabase filled with 478 projects addressing environmental and water management issues in the Danube River Basin, covering also the Danube Delta and the north-western Black Sea. As overall outcome extensive research efforts in the field of water management could be proven for the past two decades, despite the tumultuous times of political and economic transformations. One of the main findings was that EU funded projects played a key role for the development of transboundary research collaboration and were also the scientifically most productive one's. Historically, nutrient pollution was the main problem addressed, shifting to pollution in a broader sense and hydromorphological alterations in recent years. The newly arising challenges of climate change impacts and sediment management became important research questions in the last years, too. Most research was performed in the thematic field of navigation, followed by restoration and biodiversity issues. To meet all of the already |
Twenty Years Of Research On Water Management Issues In The Danube Macro-Region — Past Developments And Future Directions |
Feldbacher E.; Paun M.; Reckendorfer W.; Sidoroff M.; Stanica A.; Strimbu B.; Tusa I.; Vulturescu V.; Hein T. | Science Of The Total Environment, 2016 | |
RezumatThe Danube River–Danube Delta–Black Sea (DBS) region has witnessed major political, social and economic changes during the past three decades, which have profoundly affected the riverine, coastal and marine systems, their water management situation and the development of related research programmes. We reviewed the research activities in the DBS system of the past twenty years to determine the main funding bodies and to assess key research areas and how they varied over time and geographic region. As data basis we used a metadatabase filled with 478 projects addressing environmental and water management issues in the Danube River Basin, covering also the Danube Delta and the north-western Black Sea. As overall outcome extensive research efforts in the field of water management could be proven for the past two decades, despite the tumultuous times of political and economic transformations. One of the main findings was that EU funded projects played a key role for the development of transboundary research collaboration and were also the scientifically most productive one's. Historically, nutrient pollution was the main problem addressed, shifting to pollution in a broader sense and hydromorphological alterations in recent years. The newly arising challenges of climate change impacts and sediment management became important research questions in the last years, too. Most research was performed in the thematic field of navigation, followed by restoration and biodiversity issues. To meet all of the already identified and newly emerging challenges in the DBS System, cross-border and integrated (river-delta-sea) research activities are of major importance and have to be further promoted. We thus suggest drawing up a regional DBS Research Agenda linked to key challenges in water management to strengthen research collaboration and advance targeted scientific projects, an approach fostering also the scientific capacity in the region. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. |
book, book chapter
Strategia De Dezvoltate A Romaniei In Urmatorii 20 De Ani |
Sidoroff M.; Paun M. | Editura Academiei, 2015 | |
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book, book chapter
Towards The Integrated Management Of The Danube River – Danube Delta – Black Sea System: Proposal For A Strategic Research And Innovation Agenda |
Sidoroff M.; Paun M.; Litescu S. | Geoecomar, 2015 | |
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book, book chapter
Towards The Integrated Management Of The Danube River – Danube Delta – Black Sea System: Collaboration Of The Two Eusdr Flagship Distributed Research Infrastructures |
Sidoroff M.; Paun M.; Litescu S. | Geoecomar, 2015 | |
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book, book chapter
Owards The Integrated Management Of The Danube River – Danube Delta – Black Sea System: Proposal For The Development Of Human Capital |
Sidoroff M.; Paun M.; Litescu S. | Geoecomar, 2015 | |
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Screening Of Bacterial Diversity On Glaciers From King George Island,Antarctica |
Itcus C.; Coman C.;Tusa I; Sidoroff M; Purcarea C. | International Symposium Young Researchers In Biosciences, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2015 | |
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Elaboration And Physical, Chemical And Biological Characterization Of New Chitosan And Gelatin Membranes |
Berteanu E.; Ionita D.; Paraschiv M.; Apatean A.; Sidoroff M.; Catalin I.; Tcacenco L. | Upb Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry And Materials Science, 2015 | |
RezumatThe paper is focused on elaboration and physical chemical and biological characterization of new membranes based on chitosan and gelatine. The membranes were prepared using two gels chitosan and gelatin, in molar ratio 1:1 and 1:3. The surface characterization includes scaning electronic microscopy (SEM), water absorbtion, and determination of contact angles. As biological tests hemolysis and biodegradation were performed. |
Environmental Research Assessment |
Tusa I.; Sidoroff M.; Paun M. | Journal Of Environmental Protection And Ecology, 2015 | |
RezumatThe paper summarises the results of the 478 projects from the FP7-ENVIRONMENT proiect, DANube macroregion: Capacity building and Excellence in River Systems (basin, delta and sea) DANCERS database considering different attributes recorded for these projects. An analysis is performed on the recorded data and the significant characteristics are presented. The analysis performs a research output assessment in order to quantify the success of the projects. Trends are identified not only by thematic area and region of implementation, but also by coordinating country region and level of financing. A need to homogenising the level of financing as well as the level of funding efforts among the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) countries and not only, transpires at the end of the analysis. A concentrated effort towards inter and intra disciplinary collaboration as well as within and between institutional collaboration and knowledge sharing is also apparent. |
Medicinal And Aromaticplants – A Statistical Study On The Role Of Phytotherapy In Human Health |
Mateescu I.; Paun L.; Popescu S.; Roata G.; Sidoroff M. | Bulletin Uasvm-Cn Animal Science And Biotechnologies, 2014 | |
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Metrics And Statistical Methods For Evaluating Biodiversity And Biological Data For Large Rivers And Deltas |
Paun M.; Tusa I.; Sidoroff M.; Paun A. | General Assembly Meeting – Dancers, Vienna, Austria, 2014 | |
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Osteogenic Activity Evaluation Of Salvia Officinalis L. In A Human Bone Cell Line |
Gaspar A.; Seciu A.-M.; Craciunescu O.; Moldovan L.; Lungu M.; Sidoroff M. | Symposium On Phytochemicals In Medicine And Pharmacognosy, Piatra Neamt, Romania, 2014 | |
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New Method To Improve The Viability Of Red Blood Cells For Transfusion: A Comparative Study Of Rbcs Collected By Standard And Automated Process Ensuring A Proportional Anticoagulation |
Mateescu-Tusa I.; Dobre A-M.; Calu L.; Verpoort T.; Goudaliez F.; Behague M.; Smagghe E.; Huart J.J.; Sidoroff M.; Cotoraci C.; Bratosin D. | Joint Iubmb/Icgeb Symposium “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health – Bahh”, National Institute Of Research And Development For Biological Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 2014 | |
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Cartilage Tissue Engineering: From Chondrocyte Expansion To Biomaterial Scafold |
Ciotec A.; Oprita I.; Gheorghe A-M.; Rugina A.; Calu L.; Stan L.; Sidoroff M.; Efimov N.; Iordachel C.; Bratosin D. | Joint Iubmb/Icgeb Symposium “Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health – Bahh”, National Institute Of Research And Development For Biological Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 2014 | |
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Small Universal Homogenous Spiking Neural P Systems Using Max Spike, |
Paun A.; Sidoroff M. | Ictatc 2014, Bucharest, Romania, 2014 | |
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Phytochemical Screening Of The Bioactive Compounds In The Most Widespread Medicinal Plants From Calarasi – Silistra Cross – Border Area |
Oancea A.; Roată G.; Popescu S.; Păun L.; Mateescu I.; Toma A. E.; Gaspar A.; Sidoroff M. | Bulletin Of The Transilvania University Of Braşov, Series Ii: Forestry • Wood Industry • Agricultural Food Engineering, 2013 | |
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Phytochemical Screening Of Bioactive Compounds Found In Medicinal Plants From The Calarasi – Silistra Cross – Border Region |
Oancea A.; Roata G.; Popescu S.; Paun L.; Mateescu I.; Toma A. E.; Gaspar A.; Sidoroff M. | Bulletin Of The Transilvania University Of Brasov, Series Ii: Foresty – Wood Industry – Agricultural Food Engineering, 2013 | |
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Tissue Regeneration Of Cartilage: A Combined Computational And Experimental Study |
Mateescu I.; Bancila A.; Paun L.; Popescu S.; Roata G.; Ciotec A.; Calu L.; Bratosin D.; Sidoroff M. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Life Sciences Series, 2013 | |
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Objectives Of The European Strategy For Danube Region |
Sidoroff M. | Asem Seminar On Water And River Basin Management A Green Growth Approach, Cantho, Vietnam, 2013 | |
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Coagulation Of Public-Private Interest Around Of Romanian Major Project „Danubius” |
Sidoroff M.; Litescu S. | Fundatia Europeana De Dezvoltare, Bruxelles, Belgium, 2013 | |
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Nirdsb Assessment And Approach To Data Gathering |
Paun M.; Sidoroff M. | Geo Workshop, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2013 | |
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Phytochemical Screening Of The Bioactive Compounds In The Most Widespread Medicinal Plants From Calarasi - Silistra Cross -Border Area |
Oancea A.; Roată G.; Popescu S.; Păun L.; Mateescu I.; Toma A.E.; Gaspar A.; Sidoroff M. | Bulletin Of The Transilvania University Of Braşov, Series Ii: Forestry • Wood Industry • Agricultural Food Engineering, 2013 | |
RezumatThe cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants has a long tradition in the Calarasi - Silistra region. In this area, 81 species of medicinal and aromatic plants - from the cultivated and spontaneous flora - were identified as a result of a study we performed. Of those, 16 species were experimentally cultivated in two pilot cultures, one in Calarasi County and one in Silistra District, and were analyzed from the point of view of the active principles they contain. The following compound categories were identified during the study: aminoacids, proteins, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, triterpenoids, glycosides, polysaccharides, vitamins A and E. The results of the study allowed the identification of species with a high content of active principles and led to recommendations for local cultivators of medicinal plants. A database was also created, containing information about the most common medicinal plants found in the area and their active principles content ( |
Flow Cytometric Analysis Of Human Chondrocytes Cultured In A New Medium For Autologous Therapie And Tissue Engineering Cartilage |
Bratosin D.; Gheorghe A-M.; Rugina A.; Mos L.; Efimov N.; Iordachel C.; Sidoroff M.; Estaquier J. | Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Life Sciences Series, 2012 | |
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Flow Cytometric Analyses In Cell Therapy For New Strategies In Cartilage Diseases |
Gheorghe A-M.; Rugina A.; Ciotec A.C.L.; Lungu M.; Efimov N.; Oprita I.; Iordachel C.; Sidoroff M.; Bratosin D. | Al 8-Lea Congres National De Citometrie, Bucuresti, Romania, Conferinta Internationala Cellular Therapy And Biomaterials For Regenerative Medicine, Arad, Romania, 2012 | |
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Engineering Cartilage Tissue: From Chondrocyte Expansion To Biomaterial Scaffold |
Ciotec A.C.L.; Takacs-Buia L.; Rugina A.; Gheorghe A-M.; Efimov N.; Iordachel C.; Sidoroff M.; Bratosin D. | Ecopram 2012-3Rd European Congress On Preventive, Regenerative And Anti-Aging Medicine, Istanbul, Turcia, 2012 | |
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Sequentiality Induced By Spike Number In Snp Systems: Small Universal Machines |
Pǎun A.; Sidoroff M. | Lecture Notes In Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics), 2012 | |
RezumatIn this paper we consider sequential SNP systems where the sequentiality of the system is induced by the max-spike: the neuron with the maximum number of spikes out of the neurons that can spike at one step will fire. This corresponds to a global view of the whole network that makes the system sequential. We continue the study in the direction of max-spike and show that systems with 132 neurons are universal. This improves a recent result in the area. © 2012 Springer-Verlag. |
Biodiversity Issue On Danube River-Danube Delta-Black Sea System. International Centre For Advanced Studies - Proposed Structure To Support Solutions On Environmental Issues |
Sidoroff M. E.; Litescu S. | Journal Of Environmental Protection And Ecology, 2012 | |
RezumatThe Strategy for the Danube region, presently developed by the Danube countries under the guidance of the European Commission, focuses on 4 pillars (connectivity, protecting the environment, building prosperity and strengthening the Danube region).Within the strategy frame the major aims are to implement an integrative policy in the region and to enhance cross-border cooperation as a way to achieve the EU overarching goal of sustainability (COM 400, 2009). Reaching the peak at the beginning of 2000, since in June 2011 the European Commission adopted the mentioned Strategy for the Danube region, the Danube river and its related issues were a matter of concern in the last centuries. The present notes are addressing the objective of creating a new structure able to support the regional efforts in the Danube Strategy implementation. |
Biodiversity Issue On Danube River-Danube Deltablack Sea System. International Centre For Advanced Studies - Proposed Structure To Support Solutions On Environmental Issues |
Sidoroff M.E.; Litescu S. | Journal Of Environmental Protection And Ecology, 2012 | |
RezumatThe Strategy for the Danube region, presently developed by the Danube countries under the guidance of the European Commission, focuses on 4 pillars (connectivity, protecting the environment, building prosperity and strengthening the Danube region). Within the strategy frame the major aims are to implement an integrative policy in the region and to enhance cross-border cooperation as a way to achieve the EU overarching goal of sustainabiliry (COM 400, 2009). Reaching the peak at the beginning of 2000, since in June 2011 the European Commission adopted the mentioned Strategy for the Danube region, the Danube river and its related issues were a matter of concern in the last centuries. The present notes are addressing the objective of creating a new structure able to support the regional efforts in the Danube Strategy implementation. |
The Sis Algorithm And Its Applications |
Bancila Andrei; Paun Mihaela; Popescu Stefan; Paun Laura; Roata George; Mateescu Iris; Butu Marian; Paun Andrei; Sidoroff Manuela | Banat’S Journal Of Biotechnology, 2011 | |
RezumatA systematic use of the Monte Carlo method appeared since the early days of electronic computing and since then it is more present in different scientific research fields. Therefore, many techniques were developed based on this method and one of them is called sequential importance sampling. This technique is an adaptation of the Monte Carlo method that can be used to better extract samples form the domain using an importance weight function. |
P Systems With Proteins On Membranes: A Survey |
Paun Andrei; Paun Mihaela; Rodriguez-Paton Alfonso; Sidoroff Manuela | International Journal Of Foundations Of Computer Science, 2011 | |
RezumatThe paper is a survey of the recent model of P systems with proteins on membranes introduced by Paun and Popa in 2006. This model can be viewed as an extension of the highly successful paper of (Paun and Paun 2002) describing P systems based on symport/antiport. The previous model represented an important change of direction from strings to objects in the area of P systems. The main drawback of the model from 2002 was the massive parallelism that is not seen in real life. The 2006 model was a step in controlling the parallelism the same way it is done in nature in symporters and antiporters: these processes take place through protein channels embedded at the level of the membrane which can only be used by a molecule at a time, thus yielding a sequentiality with respect to the number of such proteins embedded in the membrane. |