Octavian Pacioglu
CS II - Bioinformatică
Sunt de profesie biolog, specializat în ecologie acvatică. În urmă cu aproape două decenii, am lucrat ca biolog la Administrația Națională “Apele Române” și apoi am devenit asistent cercetare la Institutul de Speologie “Emil Racoviță”. Această perioadă a reprezentat o etapă de ucenicie în hidrobiologie și mi-a deschis calea către o fascinantă carieră în domeniul cercetării acvatice.
Experiența academică a continuat cu o bursă de doctorat la Universitatea Roehampton din Londra, Marea Britanie, unde am explorat impactul eutrofizării și colmătării cu sedimente fine asupra habitatelor hiporeice. După finalizarea doctoratului, am continuat ca cercetător postdoctorand în Germania, in cadrul unui proiect axat pe impactul ecotoxicologic al sărurilor de aluminiu asupra faunei lacustre. Apoi, am călătorit înapoi în Marea Britanie pentru cel de al doilea postdoctorat, la River Laboratory, o statiune de cercetare afiliata Queen Mary University of London, unde am lucrat în cercetarea rețele trofice din râuri.
Din anul 2019 m-am alaturat echipei de cercetatori din cadrul INCDSB. De atunci si pana in prezent am fost implicat în mai multe proiecte de cercetare axate pe ecologia pesterilor, Delta Dunării și experimentele de ecotoxicologie. Colaborările cu alte departamente interne din institute, dar și cu instituții naționale și internaționale mi-au oferit posibilitatea de a contribui semnificativ la înțelegerea in profunzime a ecosistemelor acvatice.
Publication | Authors | Date | |
Multifaceted Phenotypic Adaptations Of Gammarus Balcanicus To Caves: Hypogean Versus Epigean Ecotypes |
Octavian Pacioglu Daniela Florea Iris Tusa | Conferinta Aquatic Biodiversity International Conference, 2024 | |
Rezumat |
Are Microplastics Efficient Remediation Tools For Removing The Statin Lipitor? A Laboratory Experiment With Meiobenthic Nematodes |
Aldraiwish Bayan M.; Alaqeel Maha M.; Al-Hoshani Nawal; Ozdemir Sadin; Pacioglu Octavian; Necula Marian; Milea Eduard C.; Hedfi Amor; Rudayni Hassan A.; Boufahja Fehmi | Frontiers In Marine Science, 2024 | |
RezumatIntroduction The current experiment investigated the multifaceted effects induced by microplastics and the statin Lipitor on marine benthic nematodes.Methods The nematodes were exposed to a single polystyrene and polyvinyl chlorides (both at 1 mg.kg-1 Dry Weight) and two Lipitor concentrations (0.1 and 1 mg.l-1), as well as to a mixture of both types of pollutants, for 30 days.Results The results highlighted a significant decrease in the abundance, individual biomass, and diversity of nematodes directly with the addition of polyvinyl chlorides and/or Lipitor. These treatments induced a greater mortality rate among microvores and diatom feeders compared to other feeding types of nematodes.Discussion The nematofauna underwent a strong restructuring phase following exposure to microplastics and Lipitor when added alone, leading to the disappearance of sensitive species and their replacement by more tolerant taxa. The toxicity of Lipitor is attenuated by the physical bonding with polystyrene when added to a mixture and has no negative effect on marine nematode species. |
The Multifaceted Effects Of Fluoranthene And Polystyrene On The Taxonomic Composition And Associated Functional Traits Of Marine Meiofauna, By Using Single And Mixture Applications |
Bellakhal Meher; Ishak Sahar; Al-Hoshani Nawal; Qurtam Ashraf A.; Al-Zharani Mohammed; Pacioglu Octavian; Boufahja Fehmi | Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023 | |
RezumatThe current experiment measured the multifaceted effects of polystyrene and fluoranthene, acting alone or in a mixture on marine meiofauna, but with a special focus on nematodes' morphological and functional traits. The results showed changes in the abundances for all tested concentrations of both compounds. The nematode communities exposed to the highest concentrations of fluoranthene (30 ng.g � 1 Dry Weight (DW)) and polystyrene (100 mg.kg-1 DW) alone or in a mixture, were significantly less diverse compared to control and were associated with significant changes in the percentage of taxonomic composition and feeding-guilds. The most sensitive taxa to fluoranthene comprised epistratum feeders, whereas the nematodes mostly affected by polystyrene were omnivores-carnivores. A new functional tool, the Index of Sensitivity (IOS), proved to be reliable in depicting the changes that occurred in the taxonomic and functional features of the nematofauna. |
Cadmium Exposure Induces Testicular Oxidative Damage And Histopathological Changes In The Freshwater Leech Limnatis Nilotica (Savigny, 1822): The Protective Role Of Salicylic Acid |
Khaled Ichrak; Saidi Issam; Ben Ahmed Raja; Amari Ramzi; Aldahmash Waleed; Pacioglu Octavian; Hfaiedh Najla; Harrath Abdel Halim | African Journal Of Aquatic Science, 2023 | |
RezumatThe present study examined the histopathological changes and some parameters of oxidative stress in the testes of the freshwater leech Limnatis nilotica, following their exposure to 50 mu g l(-1) of cadmium (Cd). The protective effects of salicylic acid (SA) in mitigating Cd-induced oxidative and histopathological injury were also investigated. We found that Cd exposure caused several histopathological changes in leech testes, such as vacuolisation of spermatogenic cysts which were strongly destroyed and disorganised. Biochemical study showed oxidative stress damage marked by a substantial increase in malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxidase levels as well as disturbance in the activity of the leech antioxidant system. Interestingly, the testes from the Cd and SA leech-exposed group exhibited increased enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidant mechanism defenses, including superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione, oxidized glutathione, thiols, and ascorbic acid, in comparison with the testes of leeches exposed to Cd alone. Thus, SA supplementation considerably attenuated the histopathological lesions induced by Cd exposure, thereby restoring the normal appearance of the testes. In summary, the findings of this study indicate that SA treatment ameliorated the testicular histopathological and oxidative stress-induced damages caused by exposure to Cd through enhancing the antioxidant defense system. |
How Toxic Is The Covid-19 Drug Azithromycin In The Presence Of Posidonia Oceanica? Toxicokinetics And Experimental Approach Of Meiobenthic Nematodes From A Metallically Pristine Area |
Badraoui Riadh; Mannai Ghofrane; Siddiqui Arif J.; Pacioglu Octavian; Rudayni Hassan A.; Boufahja Fehmi; Essid Naceur | Environmental Pollution, 2023 | |
RezumatThe current study presents the results of an experiment carried to assess the impact of azithromycin, a COVID-19 drug, probably accumulated in marine sediments for three years, since the start of the pandemic, on benthic marine nematodes. It was explored the extent to which a common macrophyte from the Mediterranean Sea influenced the toxic impact of azithromycin on meiobenthic nematodes. Metals are known to influence toxicity of azithromycin. The nematofauna from a metallically pristine site situated in Bizerte bay, Tunisia, was exposed to two concentrations of azithromycin [i.e. 5 and 10 mu g l- 1]. In addition, two masses of the common macrophyte Posidonia oceanica [10 and 20% Dry Weight (DW)] were considered and associated with azithromycin into four possible combinations. The abundance and the taxonomic diversity of the nematode communities decreased significantly following the exposure to azithromycin, which was confirmed by the toxicokinetic data and behaving as substrate for P-glycoprotein (P-gp). The toxicity of 5 mu g l- 1 dosage of azithromycin was partially reduced at 10% DW of Posidonia and completely at 20% DW. The results showed that 5 mu g l- 1 of azithromycin can be reduced by the macrophyte P. oceanica when present in the environment at low masses as 10% DW. |
The Development Of Decontamination Methods In Coastal Marine Habitats By Transplantation Of The Mussel Mytilus Galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819): Comparison Between In Vivo And In Situ Investigations |
Bouzidi Imen; Beyrem Hamouda; Mahmoudi Ezzeddine; Al-Hoshani Nawal; Pacioglu Octavian; Boufahja Fehmi; Sellami Badreddine | Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023 | |
RezumatThe health status of Mytilus galloprovincialis native from a polluted habitat was surveyed before and after 30 and 60 days of in situ transplantation and in vivo experiments. The results showed a reduction in filtration rate by 24 % and 45 %, respectively, after 60 days of in vivo and in situ experiments compared to the rates at polluted sites. The respiration rate reached a minimum of 0.081 & PLUSMN; 0.05 mg O2.L- 1 after 60 days of in situ transplantation. Moreover, the antioxidant activities were changed in a time-dependent manner for both transplantation conditions. The highest superoxide dismutase and catalase activities corresponded to the stressed mussels and declined by 76 % and 54 %, respectively, after 60 days of in situ transplantation. Changes in lipid peroxidation and acetylcholinesterase activity were observed in internal organs following 60 days of transplantation. At this time slot, the lowest content of metals and microplastics was also noticed. |
Physiological Responses Of The Bivalves Mytilus Galloprovincialis And Ruditapes Decussatus Following Exposure To Phenanthrene: Toxicokinetics, Dynamics And Biomarkers Study |
Dellali Mohamed; Mardassi Khadija; Harrath Abdel Halim; Mansour Lamjed; Pacioglu Octavian; Aldahmash Waleed; Nahdi Saber; Badraoui Riadh; Alrefaei Abdulwahed Fahad; Boufahja Fehmi | Animals, 2023 | |
RezumatSimple Summary The multiple impacts of polycylic aromatic hydrocarbon on the aquatic invertebrates were rarely assessed in a chronic way and multiple-species experiments, despite the clear advantage of better mimicking natural conditions compared to traditional acute and single-species-focused toxicological experiments. The application of such an approach is essential to lower the health risks for populations that regularly consume seafood. The data presented herein supported the use of Mytilus galloprovincyalis and Ruditapes decussatus as bioindicators of phenanthrene in water and/or sediment and proved the efficacy of the biomarkers' assessment and molecular modelling in determining environmental thresholds and policies for governments. The aim of the current study was to assess the multifaceted effects of the polycylic aromatic hydrocarbon phenanthrene, mainly used in the colouring, explosive, and pharmaceutical industries, on the physiology of two bivalve species with economic value as seafood, namely, the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincyalis and the European clam Ruditapes decussatus. The current study assessed how the phenanthrene affected several biomarkers and biometric endpoints in both bivalves, based on an in vivo experiment in silico approach. The bivalves were exposed during four time slots (i.e., 7, 15, 21, and 28 days) to two concentrations of phenanthrene in water (50 mu g/L and 100 mu g/L). For the clam R. decussatus, an additional contamination of sediment was applied due their typical benthic lifestyle (50 mu g/kg and 100 mu g/kg). The phenanthrene significantly reduced the ability of bivalves to tolerate desiccation and their Median Lethal Time, and also inhibited the activity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase in a time-dependent manner. The activity of catalase indicated that bivalves also experienced oxidative stress during the first 21 days of the experiment. The significant decline in catalase activity observed during the last week of the experiment for the mussel M. galloprovincyalis supported a depletion of enzymes caused by the phenanthrene. The phenanthrene has also toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic properties, as assessed by the in silico approach. Overall, the results obtained suggest that the bivalves Ruditapes decussatus and M. galloprovincyalis can be used as a sentinel species in monitoring studies to assess the environmental impact of phenanthene in marine ecosystems. The significance of our findings is based on the fact that in ecotoxicology, little is known about the chronic effects, the simultaneous use of multiple species as bioindicators, and the interactions molecular modelling. |
Metallic Nanoparticles Affect Uptake Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons And Impacts In The Mediterranean Mussels Mytilus Galloprovincialis |
Bouzidi Imen; Sellami Badreddine; Boulanger Anna; Joyeux Cecile; Harrath Abdel Halim; Albeshr Mohammed Fahad; Pacioglu Octavian; Boufahja Fehmi; Beyrem Hamouda; Mougin Karine | Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023 | |
RezumatThe impact of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) on the uptake and toxicity of persistent organic pollutants by marine bivalves was assessed through a comparative laboratory study by exposing mussels to polycyclic aromatic hy-drocarbon (PAHs), in the presence and absence of ZnO and TiO2 NPs. PAHs and NPs concentration was analyzed after 14 days of exposure in mussels by GC/MS and ICP/AES. Furthermore, impact on the physiology and neurotoxicity of PAHs and NPs acting alone or in mixtures were also determined. Our results confirmed the bio-uptake of PAHs and NPs by mussels. In addition, the exposure NPs-PAHs resulted in different bio-uptake profile to that of PAHs alone. The NPs and accumulation of PAHs led to disturbance of essential metals concentration and to different impact profiles in the filtration and respiration capacities as well as in the acetylcholinesterase activity. Antagonist interactions between NPs and PAHs could occur after exposure. |
Ecotoxicity Of Chrysene And Phenanthrene On Meiobenthic Nematodes With A Case Study Of Terschellingia Longicaudata: Taxonomics, Toxicokinetics, And Molecular Interactions Modelling |
Badraoui Riadh; Allouche Mohamed; El Ouaer Dhia; Siddiqui Arif J.; Ishak Sahar; Hedfi Amor; Beyrem Hamouda; Pacioglu Octavian; Rudayni Hassan A.; Boufahja Fehmi | Environmental Pollution, 2023 | |
RezumatPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are toxic for humans and marine fauna alike. The current study assessed the impact of PAHs on the migratory behaviour of meiobenthic nematodes collected from the Bizerte lagoon, Tunisia. The experiment lasted for 15 days and was carried in open microcosms, which comprised a lower, contaminated and an upper, uncontaminated compartment. Three treatments were used, for each of them an untreated control was set up: sediment contaminated with chrysene (116 ng g(-1) dry weight (DW), with phenanthrene (116 ng g(-1) DW) and a mixture of both. The results showed a significant decrease in diversty and abundance in the lower, contaminated compartments compared to the upper zones. The results also highlighted that under an increased stress some species progressively increased in number, these were considered PAH-tolerant species such as Odontophora villoti, some others had an occasionally increased in number were consid-ered as opportunistic species, such as Paracomesoma dubium and the species that showed a progressive decreased in number, such as Metoncholaimus pristiurus and Steineria sp., Terschellingia. longicaudata, and Oncholaimellus sp. were classified as PAH-sensitive. Moreover, an increase in the activity of biochemical biomarkers was observed following the exposure of males and gravid females of T. longicaudata to 29, 58 and 87 ng g(-1) DW of chrysene and phenanthrene paralleled by a higher vulnerability of the latter demographic category. Besides, a significant decrease in fertility of females and an increase in pharyngeal sucking power were observed for both types of PAHs considered. The sex ratio was also significantly imbalanced in the favor of males, which suggest that chrysene and phenanthrene affect also the hormone system of T. longicaudata. The high affinities of these PAHs and their molecular interactions with both germ line development protein 3 (GLD-3) and sex-determining protein (SDP) may justify these results and explain the toxicokinetic attributes. |
Cadmium Exposure Induced Oxidative Stress And Histopathological Disruption In The Body Wall Of The Freshwater Leech Limnatis Nilotica (Savigny, 1822) |
Khaled I.; Ben Ahmed R.; Saidi I.; Pacioglu O.; Harrath A.H. | Invertebrate Survival Journal, 2023 | |
RezumatCadmium (Cd) is considered as one of the most highly toxic heavy metal that is released into the environment on a large scale, and its concentrations in water have significantly increased as a result of human activities. In particular, contamination of rivers and drinking water may easily occur, especially in locations close to industry or mines. In this study, we examined the impact of Cd exposure on the body wall of the freshwater leech Limnatis nilotica at concentrations of 100, 200, and 300 µg/l. The findings showed that the exposure caused histopathological changes as well as oxidative stress (increased malondialdehyde concentrations (MDA)) and changes in antioxidant activity (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (Gpx)). In fact, numerous histological changes were observed, such as cuticle deterioration, a marked increase in the number of secretory cells, increased mucus production, vacuolization of the epithelium, altered epithelial cell borders, and mucus cell hyperplasia. The histological results are consistent with the biochemical findings because we found that MDA levels significantly increased in a dose-dependent manner. Additionally, the Cd exposure disrupted the levels of the antioxidant levels. Indeed, SOD, CAT, and Gpx activities were increased in the group treated with the lower dose (100 g/l), whereas their levels dramatically decreased at higher Cd doses (200 and 300 g/l). Therefore, the presence of this heavy metal in freshwater habitats may have severe ecological risks that may lead to leech aquatic habitat destruction and fragmentation. © 2023, Universita degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia. All rights reserved. |
Aquatic Subterranean Food Webs: A Review |
Pacioglu Octavian; Tusa Iris M.; Popa Ionut; Itcus Corina; Plavan Gabriel-Ionut; Boufahja Fehmi; Baba Stefan C. | Global Ecology And Conservation, 2023 | |
RezumatThe aquatic subterranean ecosystems represent research frontiers for ecology and conservation biology. The aquatic subterranean fauna and associated microorganisms are organised in food webs that are essential in the nutrients cycling and energy fluxes within habitats generally characterised by low resources. However, the knowledge of how these trophic networks are structured and conditioned by the interaction with surface ecosystems is scarce. Traditionally, subterranean aquatic food webs were regarded as simple and truncated because of low species diversity and abundance compared to surface. The current review provides an updated description of aquatic subterranean food webs, based on the latest findings from various types of habitats: cave streams, the hyporheic zone and phreatic aquifers, with the general conclusion that such trophic networks are much more complex and dynamic as historically believed. The energylimitation hypothesis and the bottom-up forces are increasingly recognised as the main structuring agents of the aquatic subterranean trophic networks. It is predicted that the bottom-up forces are generated by two interconnected factors: nutrients availability in water and quantity, quality and the types (i.e. surface derived photosynthetic and detrital, in some cases mixed with in situ chemosynthetically based organic matter) of basal energy input. Further recommendations for the integration of groundwater research into the current overarching concepts of surface ecology are made, given this field of science remains currently rather descriptive and less hypothesis-driven. |
Sinergies And Collaboration Opportunities In Research – Education – Innovation For River – Sea Systens |
M. E. Sidoroff; M. Paraschiv; C. Itcus; O. Pacioglu; I.-M. Tusa | The 7Th International Conference Ecological And Environmental Chemistry, Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova, 2022 | |
Rezumat |
Ecophysiological And Life – History Adaptation Of Gammarus Balcanicus (Schaferna, 1922) In A Sinking – Cave Stream From Western Carpathians (Romania) |
O. Pacioglu; I. M. Tușa; M. Sidoroff; D. Florea; G. Gavril; C. Ițcuș | The 7Th International Conference Ecological And Environmental Chemistry, Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova, 2022 | |
Rezumat |
Pshysico – Chemical And Microbiological Assessment Of Waters And Sediments From Danube Delta |
C. Itcus; I. Tusa; O. Pacioglu; D. Florea; G. Gavril; M. Sidoroff; C. Coman | The 7Th International Conference Ecological And Environmental Chemistry, Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova, 2022 | |
Rezumat |
Habitat Preferences And Trophic Interactions Of The Benthic Invertebrate Communities Inhabiting Depositional And Erosional Banks Of A Meander From Danube Delta (Romania) |
Pacioglu Octavian; Dutu Laura; Dutu Florin; Pavel Ana B. | Global Ecology And Conservation, 2022 | |
RezumatRiver restoration and biodiversity conservation programs require an in-depth knowledge of the influence that sediment composition and hydraulic stress have on invertebrate fauna composition and spatial distribution, as well as on nutrients cycling and food webs' structure and functionality. Compared to low-order streams, the traditional focus of river ecology, the knowledge of these ecosystem properties of the meanders developed along large, lowland watercourses, is currently insufficient. The present study assessed the ecological preferences and the trophic interactions of the benthic invertebrate communities inhabiting erosional and depositional banks developed within a meander of the River Danube flowing through its delta (Danube Delta, Romania). The invertebrates from two mesohabitats, the concave (i.e. erosional) and convex (i.e. depositional) banks developed in the apex region of the meander were sampled quantitatively and qualitatively, along with sediment samples for assessing the grain-size characteristics and hydrodynamic parameters (i.e., critical shear stress, the Reynolds number, the critical velocity and Shields parameter). For assessing their mesohabitat preferences, quantitative samples were taken from both banks, whereas for inferring the trophic interactions, stable isotopes of 815N and 813C were measured from qualitative samples, comprising both invertebrates and basal resources. The results showed that increased siltation with fine sediments in the depositional bank led to a community dominated by chironomids, oligochaetes and bivalves, whereas the opposite bank comprised crayfish, caddis fly larvae and amphipods with a preference for coarser sediments. The 813C of most consumers revealed that the dominant forms of carbon entries in the analysed food webs were photosynthetic based, whereas certain snails, chironomids and basal resources from the depositional bank were 13C depleted (813C: -35 to -39 %o). Such low ratios for 813C (mean < -35 %o) reflected the potential of carbon entry through the base of depositional food web as a result of methane oxidation at sediment-water interface (i.e. chemosynthesis), induced by the fine sediments deposition that could have favoured the methane production. Grazing methaneoxidising bacteria in the depositional meander bank could have provided the primary consumers with up to 50 % and the omnivores and predatory invertebrates with up to 30 % of their carbon, which could represent an important subsidy from an additional, chemosynthetic source. The impact of a supplementary carbon input was further reflected in increasing depositional food |
The Influence Of Hydrology And Sediment Grain-Size On The Spatial Distribution Of Macroinvertebrate Communities In Two Submerged Dunes From The Danube Delta (Romania) |
Pacioglu Octavian; Dutu Florin; Pavel Ana B.; Tiron Dutu Laura | Limnetica, 2022 | |
RezumatThe present study focused on the ecological preferences of benthic macroinvertebrates regarding water flow and sediment characteristics in two submerged dunes from Danube Delta (Romania). Three hydraulic microhabitats, the stoss, trough and crest areas were sampled, along with measurements of water hydraulics, hydrology, sediment grain-size, and organic content. The results showed that the slope angles between stoss-crest and crest-trough areas are crucial in modulating local flows, sediment structure, organic content, macroinvertebrate communities, and taxonomic richness and density. As such, the stoss microhabitats are considered zones with the highest turbulence, hence driving low taxonomic richness and density compared to crest and trough microhabitats. When local environmental conditions in trough microhabitats allow the accretion of fine and organically enriched sediments, the development of maximum density for certain macroinvertebrates groups is reached. However, the benthic assemblages did not show clear preferences for certain microhabitats, suggesting ubiquitous ecologic traits, crucial for the successful colonisation of dynamic habitats, such as the submerged dunes in large rivers. The results of this study offer a better understanding on the abiotic factors driving the spatial preferences, density, and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in these understudied hydrogeomorphological units from large rivers. |
The Plankton Assemblages As Potential Bioindicators In The Environmental Conditions Of Danube Delta |
Florescu Larisa I; Moldoveanu Mirela; Parpala Laura; Pacioglu Octavian | Biologia, 2022 | |
RezumatThe influence of physicochemical parameters other than the nutrients load on the community structure of phyto- and zooplankton in lowland shallow lakes is still poorly understood. In this study we investigated the structure of the plankton community in Danube Delta (Romania) and the relationships with environmental variables. Among the 206 taxa observed, 33 species were dominant. Canonical Correspondence Analysis indicated that incident light, lakes depth, surface area and water conductivity were of significant importance in controlling the variation in the structure of the plankton assemblages. The resulted models from averaging regression and cross-calibration predicted the main environmental parameters and allowed the selection of phyto and zooplankton species as potential biological indicators. Weighted averaging regression and cross-calibration generated useful models for predicting the main four investigated environmental parameters, which contribute to the selection of phyto- and zooplankton species as potential biological indicators. |
How Accurate Is The Remote Sensing Based Estimate Of Water Physico-Chemical Parameters In The Danube Delta (Romania)? |
Necula Marian; Tusa Iris Maria; Sidoroff Manuela Elisabeta; Itcus Corina; Florea Daniela; Amarioarei Alexandru; Paun Andrei; Pacioglu Octavian; Paun Mihaela | Annals Of Forest Research, 2022 | |
RezumatThe current paper estimated the physico-chemical properties of water in the Danube Delta (Romania), based on Sentinel 2 remote sensing data. Eleven sites from the Danube Delta were sampled in spring and autumn for three years (2018-2020) and 21 water physico-chemical parameters were measured in laboratory. Several families of machine learning algorithms, translated into hundreds of models with different parameterizations for each machine learning algorithm, based on remote sensing data input from Sentinel 2 spectral bands, were employed to find the best models that predicted the values measured in laboratory. This was a novel approach, reflected in the types of selected models that minimised the values of performance metrics for the tested parameters. For alkalinity, calcium, chloride, carbon dioxide, hardness, potassium, sodium, ammonium, dissolved oxygen, sulphates, and suspended matter the results were promising, with an overall percentage bias of the estimates of +/- 10% from the observed values. For copper, magnesium, nitrites, nitrates, turbidity and zinc the estimates were fairly accurate, with percentage biases in the interval +/- 10% - 20%, whereas for detergents, led, and phosphates the percentage bias was higher than 20%. Overall, the results of the current study showed fairly good estimates between remote sensing based estimates and laboratory measured values for most water physico-chemical parameters. |
What Is The Impact Of Dexamethasone And Prednisolone Glucocorticoids On The Structure Of Meiobenthic Nematode Communities? |
Allouche Mohamed; Ishak Sahar; Nasri Ahmed; Harrath Abdel Halim; Alwasel Saleh; Beyrem Hamouda; Pacioglu Octavian; Boufahja Fehmi | Sustainability, 2022 | |
RezumatThe toxic effects of two commonly used glucocorticoids, the dexamethasone and prednisolone, on meiobenthic nematodes were assessed in a laboratory experiment for 30 days. Nine treatments were employed, comprised of two single and mixed concentrations of dexamethasone and prednisolone (i.e., 0.14 and 1.4 mu g center dot L-1). The exposure to both glucocorticoids showed significant effects on the abundance and taxonomic diversity of nematodes. Such changes were mainly induced by the decrease in the abundance of the species Microlaimus honestus, considered to be sensitive to prednisolone and by the increase in Enoplolaimus longicaudatus abundance, which can be considered tolerant. The exposure to these glucocorticoids also led to a decrease in 2A feeding groups, 2-4 mm body-size interval, and c-p3 life history type in most treatments, with type of life history and shape of amphids as the most relevant functional traits impacted by these two glucocorticoids. The results could also be explained by the potential antagonism between these two pharmaceuticals. |
Zn Application Through Seed Priming Improves Productivity And Grain Nutritional Quality Of Silage Corn |
Choukri Majda; Abouabdillah Aziz; Bouabid Rachid; Abd-Elkader Omar H.; Pacioglu Octavian; Boufahja Fehmi; Bourioug Mohamed | Saudi Journal Of Biological Sciences, 2022 | |
RezumatThe micronutrient application in agriculture takes place through soil application, foliar spraying or added as seed treatments. The latter method, the nutri-priming, is an appealing option due to the easiness in handling it, environment-friendly, cost effectiveness and efficient against multiple environmental stres-sors. To assess the feasibility of Zn-priming technique on seeds germination, two experiments were con-ducted and assessed the efficiency on the growth rate, yield and biofortification on the forage maize (Zea mays L.). The first laboratory experiment assessed the effect of Zn-priming for three-time exposures (i.e., 8, 16 and 24 h) on germination parameters. The second experiment was done in a greenhouse, by using the 10 seeds obtained from 24 h priming. Five seed pretreatments were studied (0, 0.1, 0.5,1 and 11 2 % of zinc sulfate heptahydrate (ZnSO4.7H2O)) compared to the recommended dose (5 ppm of Zn at 5-9 leaf stage) provided by soil application. The obtained results revealed that all seed priming, including hydro-priming, improve seed germination performance. Zn-priming increased the grain yield and helped to enrich the seeds in this element, especially seedlings treated with 0.5 % Zn sulphate for 24 h leading to an increase in yield by 47 % and in Zn content by 15 %. The comparison of the results from both tech-niques showed that Zn-priming could be was very effective than the traditional direct application in soil.(c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). |
Effectiveness Of Shewanella Oneidensis Bioaugmentation In The Bioremediation Of Phenanthrene-Contaminated Sediments And Possible Consortia With Omnivore-Carnivore Meiobenthic Nematodes |
Yeferni Mounir; Ben Said Olfa; Mahmoudi Ezzeddine; Essid Naceur; Hedfi Amor; Almalki Mohammed; Pacioglu Octavian; Dervishi Aida; Boufahja Fehmi | Environmental Pollution, 2022 | |
RezumatThis study was conducted to assess the impact and efficiency of the bioaugmentation as a bioremediation technique in annoying effects of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (phenanthrene) on a community of free-living nematodes from Bizerte bay (Tunisia). For this purpose, closed microcosms were exposed to three doses of phananthrene (0.1 mu g kg(-1), 1 mu g kg(-1) and 10 mu g kg(-1)), in combination or not with a strain of Shewanella oneidensis. After 40 days of the exposure, results were obtained at the numerical, taxonomic and feeding levels. The results of univariate analyses revealed significant decreases in most univariate indices for phenanthrene treated communities compared to controls, with a discernible increase in the proportion of epistrate feeders. After bioaugmentation, similar patterns were observed for univariate and multivariate analyses, with the exception of the highest treatment, which showed no difference from the controls. The results obtained showed that the bioaugmentation with Shewanellea oneidensis was highly effective in reducing the negative impact of the highest dose of phenanthrene (10 mu g kg(-1) Dry Weight) tested on meiobenthic nematodes. Furthermore, a combination of Shewanellea oneidensis and four omnivore-carnivore nematode taxa could be suggested as an effective method in the bioremediation of phenanthrene-contaminated sediment. |
The Exposure To Polyvinyl Chloride Microplastics And Chrysene Induces Multiple Changes In The Structure And Functionality Of Marine Meiobenthic Communities |
Hedfi Amor; Ben Ali Manel; Korkobi Marwa; Allouche Mohamed; Harrath Abdel Halim; Beyrem Hamouda; Pacioglu Octavian; Badraoui Riadh; Boufahja Fehmi | Journal Of Hazardous Materials, 2022 | |
RezumatThe effects of microplastics and sorbed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at community levels were rarely assessed in laboratory experiments, despite their obvious advantage in reflecting better the natural conditions compared to traditionally single species-focused toxicological experiments. In the current study, the multifaceted effects of polyvinyl chloride and chrysene, acting alone or combined, on general marine meiobenthos, but with a special focus on free-living marine nematode communities were tested in a laboratory experiment carried in microcosms. The meiobenthos was exposed to two polyvinyl chloride (5 and 10 mg.kg(-1) Dry Weight 'DW') and chrysene (37.5 and 75 ng.g(- 1) DW) concentrations, respectively, as well as to a mixture of both compounds, for 30 days. The results highlighted a significant decrease in the abundance of all meiobenthic generic groups, including nematodes, directly with increasing dosages of these compounds when added alone. The addition of chrysene adheres to microplastics, making the sediment matrix glueyer, hence inducing greater mortality among generic meiobenthic groups. Moreover, the nematofauna went through a strong restructuring phase following the exposure to both compounds when added alone, leading to the disappearance of sensitive nematodes and their replacement with tolerant taxa. However, the similarity in nematofauna composition between control and polyvinyl chloride and chrysene mixtures suggests that the toxicity of the latter could be attenuated by its physical bonding to the former pollutant. Other changes in the functional traits within the nematode communities were a decline in the fertility of females and an increase of the pharyngeal pumping power following exposure to both pollutants for the dominant species. The latter results were also supported by additional toxicokinetics analyses and in silico modeling. |
Effects Of The Antidepressant Paroxetine On Migratory Behaviour Of Meiobenthic Nematodes: Computational And Open Experimental Microcosm Approach |
Ishak Sahar; Allouche Mohamed; Harrath Abdel Halim; Alwasel Saleh; Beyrem Hamouda; Pacioglu Octavian; Badraoui Riadh; Boufahja Fehmi | Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022 | |
RezumatAn open experimental setup was established in order to explore the toxic effects of the antidepressant paroxetine on meiobenthic nematodes. Three types of microcosms made from polyvinyl chloride tubes, each comprising two sediments compartments (upper and lower), were used in a laboratory experiment for 15 days. The experimental setup targeted the migratory behaviour of the nematofauna from the above compartments, which were exposed to paroxetine (0.4 and 40 mu g.l(-1)), towards below compartments. The univariate indices significantly decrease in the contaminated compartments compared to controls. Multivariate analyses revealed also significant taxonomic dissimilarities between contaminated and uncontaminated compartments. Furthermore, SIMPER functional outcomes highlighted a significant decrease in 2A feeding groups, 'co' tail shape, 1-2 mm interval length, 'cr' amphid shape, and c-p2 life history in contaminated compartments. Computational approach showed that paroxetine bound GLD-3 and SDP with high affinities, which together with molecular interactions and toxicokinetics satisfactorily explain the experimental results. |
Network Analytics For Drug Repurposing In Covid-19 |
Siminea Nicoleta; Popescu Victor; Martin Jose Angel Sanchez; Florea Daniela; Gavril Georgiana; Gheorghe Ana-Maria; Itcus Corina; Kanhaiya Krishna; Pacioglu Octavian; Popa Laura Lona; Trandafir Romica; Tusa Maria Iris; Sidoroff Manuela; Paun Mihaela; Czeizler Eugen; Paun Andrei; Petre Ion | Briefings In Bioinformatics, 2022 | |
RezumatTo better understand the potential of drug repurposing in COVID-19, we analyzed control strategies over essential host factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection. We constructed comprehensive directed protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks integrating the top-ranked host factors, the drug target proteins and directed PPI data. We analyzed the networks to identify drug targets and combinations thereof that offer efficient control over the host factors. We validated our findings against clinical studies data and bioinformatics studies. Our method offers a new insight into the molecular details of the disease and into potentially new therapy targets for it. Our approach for drug repurposing is significant beyond COVID-19 and may be applied also to other diseases. |
The Response Of Meiobenthinc Sediment-Dwelling Nematodes To Pyrene: Results From Open Microcosms, Toxicokinetics And In Silico Molecular Interactions |
Hedfi Amor; Allouche Mohamed; Hoineb Faten; Ben Ali Manel; Harrath Abdel Halim; Albeshr Mohammed Fahad; Mahmoudi Ezzeddine; Beyrem Hamouda; Karachle Paraskevi K.; Urkmez Derya; Pacioglu Octavian; Badraoui Riadh; Boufahja Fehmi | Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022 | |
RezumatAn experiment conducted with 'open microcosm' made by connected sedimentary compartments with different qualities was for 30 days to evaluate the migratory behaviour of nematodes as induced by exposure to pyrene. The nematofauna was collected along with sediment from a reference site in Bizerte lagoon. Following one week acclimatization period, the populated sediments were topped with azoic sediments, with a pyrene concentration of 150 mu g kg-1. The concentration of pyrene from sediments was measured on a weekly basis. A stable status of nematode assemblages was reached between the upper and lower compartments in each microcosm, whatever the treatment type. An upward exploratory phase was observed during the first two weeks within the assemblages, possibly induced by the repellent chemodetection of pyrene. This observation was confirmed by the toxicokinetic properties and molecular interactions of pyrene with the germ-line development Protein 3 and sexdetermining protein of Caenorhabditis elegans as nematode model. |
Effects Of Benzo(A)Pyrene On Meiobenthic Assemblage And Biochemical Biomarkers In An Oncholaimus Campylocercoides (Nematoda) Microcosm |
Hedfi Amor; Ben Ali Manel; Noureldeen Ahmed; Almalki Mohammed; Rizk Roquia; Mahmoudi Ezzeddine; Plavan Gabriel; Pacioglu Octavian; Boufahja Fehmi | Environmental Science And Pollution Research, 2022 | |
RezumatA microcosm experiment was carried out to determine how benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) may affect marine meiofauna community, with a main emphasis on nematode structure and functional traits. Three increasing concentrations of BaP (i.e. 100, 200 and 300 ng/l, respectively) were used for 30 days. The results revealed a gradual decrease in the abundance of all meiobenthic groups (i.e. nematodes, copepods, amphipods, polychaetes and oligochaetes), except for isopods. Starting at concentrations of 200 and 300 ng/l BaP, respectively, significant changes were observed at community level. At taxonomic level, the nematode communities were dominated at the start of the experiment and also after being exposed or not to BaP by Odontophora villoti, explicable through its high ecologic ubiquity and the presence of well-developed chemosensory organs (i.e. amphids), which potentially increased the avoidance reaction following exposure to this hydrocarbon. Moreover, changes in the activity of several biochemical biomarkers (i.e. catalase 'CAT', gluthatione S-transferase 'GST', and ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase 'EROD') were observed in the nematode species Oncholaimus campylocercoides, paralleled by significant decreases in CAT activity for non-gravid females compared to controls at concentrations of 25 ng/l BaP and associated with significant increase in GST and EROD activities for both types of individuals. |
How Effective Is Wastewater Treatment? A Case Study Under The Light Of Taxonomic And Feeding Features Of Meiobenthic Nematodes |
Mahmoudi Mohamed; Bejaoui Wiem; Ben Ali Manel; Hedfi Amor; Almalki Mohammed; Essid Naceur; Mahmoudi Ezzeddine; Rizk Roquia; Pacioglu Octavian; Urkmez Derya; Dervishi Aida; Boufahja Fehmi | Environmental Science And Pollution Research, 2022 | |
RezumatA microcosm bioassay was designed to assess the efficacy of wastewater treatment methods used in sewage plants. The taxonomic and feeding characteristics of a meiobenthic nematode assemblage from Ghar El Melh lagoon (Tunisia) were used to achieve this goal. Nematode assemblages were exposed for 30 days to untreated wastewater (UW) obtained from the sewage treatment plant of Sidi Ahmed (Tunisia) and three mixtures with treated wastewater (TW33 = 33%, TW66 = 66%, and TW100 = 100%). Concerning the nematode abundance, the exposure to either treated wastewater (TW33-100) or untreated wastewater (UW) had no significant effect. In contrast, Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou's Evenness were clearly reduced by contamination with both types of wastewater, with a more pronounced negative impact prior to treatment in the sewage plant. The multivariate analyzes revealed a change in the taxonomic composition of the nematofauna in response to the contamination by untreated or treated wastewater. The relative abundances of species in wastewater replicates compared to controls reflected this taxonomic restructuring. Finally, Ascolaimus elongatus, Terschellingia communis, and Kraspedonema octogoniata were less represented in all experimentally treated units and could be considered as 'sensitive taxa to wastewater'. While, Paracomesoma dubium, appears to be a 'tolerant and/or opportunistic' species, showing increased relative abundances under all wastewater treatments. |
The Best Management Practices In Agriculture For Protection Of Inland Water Ecosystems |
Pacioglu O.; Tușa I.M.; Sidoroff M.E.; Ițcuș C. | Encyclopedia Of Inland Waters, Second Edition, 2022 | |
RezumatImpact on aquatic ecosystems from intensive agriculture can be mitigated through a variety of structural and management conservation practices. This article provides an overview of the main Best Management Practices (BMP) for reducing direct or indirect detrimental impact from agriculture on inland waters’ quality and ecological status. The BMP's have been shown to be more efficient compared to conventional ones and comprise a set of recommendations that should be considered carefully by environmental scientists, stakeholders, farmers and land-owners alike. © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved |
The Influence Of Hydrology And Sediment Grain-Size On The Spatial Distribution Of Macroinvertebrate Communities In Two Submerged Dunes From The Danube Delta (Romania) [La Influencia De La Hidrología Y El Tamaño De Grano De Los Sedimentos En La Distribución Espacial De Las Comunidades De Macroinvertebrados En Dos Dunas Sumergidas Del Delta Del Danubio (Rumanía)] |
Pacioglu O.; Duţu F.; Pavel A.B.; Duţu L.T. | Limnetica, 2022 | |
RezumatThe present study focused on the ecological preferences of benthic macroinvertebrates regarding water flow and sediment characteristics in two submerged dunes from Danube Delta (Romania). Three hydraulic microhabitats, the stoss, trough and crest areas were sampled, along with measurements of water hydraulics, hydrology, sediment grain-size, and organic content. The results showed that the slope angles between stoss-crest and crest-trough areas are crucial in modulating local flows, sediment structure, organic content, macroinvertebrate communities, and taxonomic richness and density. As such, the stoss microhabitats are considered zones with the highest turbulence, hence driving low taxonomic richness and density compared to crest and trough microhabitats. When local environmental conditions in trough microhabitats allow the accretion of fine and organically enriched sediments, the development of maximum density for certain macroinvertebrates groups is reached. However, the benthic assemblages did not show clear preferences for certain microhabitats, suggesting ubiquitous ecologic traits, crucial for the successful colonisation of dynamic habitats, such as the submerged dunes in large rivers. The results of this study offer a better understanding on the abiotic factors driving the spatial preferences, density, and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in these understudied hydrogeomorphological units from large rivers. © 2022, Asociacion Iberica de Limnologia. All rights reserved. |
Spatio-Temporal Distribution Patterns Of Chironomidae Communities In The Wadis Of Northern Tunisia [Padrões De Distribuição Espaço-Temporal De Comunidades Chironomidae Nos Wadis Do Norte Da Tunísia] |
Boulaaba S.; Zrelli S.; Hedfi A.; Ben Ali M.; Boumaiza M.; Bejaoui M.; Hassan M.M.; Saif T.; Albogami B.; Pacioglu O.; Boufahja F. | Brazilian Journal Of Biology, 2022 | |
RezumatIn Northern Tunisia, seasonal streams, called wadi, are characterized by extreme hydrological and thermal conditions. These freshwater systems have very particular features as a result of their strong irregularity of flow due to limited precipitation runoff regime, leading to strong seasonal hydrologic fluctuations. The current study focused on the spatio-temporal distribution of chironomids in 28 sampling sites spread across the Northern Tunisia. By emplying PERMANOVA, the results indicated a significant spatio-temporal variation along various environmental gradients. The main abiotic factors responsible for noted differences in the spatial distribution of chironomids in wadi were the conductivity and temperature, closely followed by altitude, pH, salinity, talweg slope and dissolved oxygen, identified as such by employing distance-based linear models’ procedure. The Distance-based redundancy analysis ordination showed two main groups: the first clustered the Bizerte sites, which were characterized by high water conductivity, sodium concentration and salinity. The second main group comprised sites from the Tell zone and was characterized by low temperatures, neutral pH, low conductivity and nutrients content. The subfamily TANYPODIINAE (e.g., Prochladius sp., Prochladius choerus (Meigen, 1804) and Macropelopia sp.) was the dominant group at Tell zone, whereas species such as Diamesa starmachi (Kownacki et Kownacha, 1970) and Potthastia gaedii (Meigen, 1838) were found only in Tell Wadis. In contrast, chironomid species such as Diamesa starmachi (Kownacki et Kownacha, 1970), Potthastia gaedii (Meigen, 1838), Procladius choreus (Meigen, 1804) were specific for Tell Mountain. Cap Bon wadis region was dominated by genus Cladotanytarsus sp. The results of this survey liked the taxonomic composition of chironomid assemblages to the variation of hydromorphological and physic-chemical gradients across the northern Tunisia wadis. © 2022, Instituto Internacional de Ecologia. All rights reserved. |
book, book chapter
The Best Management Practices In Agriculture For Protection Of Inland Water Ecosystems - Encyclopedia Of Inland Waters, 2Nd Edition, Elsevier |
Pacioglu O.; Tușa I. M.; Sidoroff M. E.; Ițcuș C. | Elsevier, 2021 | |
Rezumat |
Response Of Aquatic Invertebrates To Eutrophica-Tion |
Octavian Pacioglu; Daniela Florea; Corina Ițcuș | Life Quality: Assessments, Approaches And Perspectives” Moeciu, Brașov, Romania, 2021 | |
Rezumat |
Network Controllability Analysis For Drug Repurposing In Covid-19 |
Nicoleta Siminea; Victor Popescu; Jose Angel Sanchez Martin; Ana-Maria Dobre; Daniela Florea; Geor-giana Gavril; Corina Ițcuș; Krishna Kanhaiya; Octavian Pacioglu; Laura Ioana Popa; Romica Trandafir; Maria Iris Tușa; Manuela Sidoroff; Mihaela Păun; Eugen Czeizler; Andrei Păun; Ion Petre | The 29Th Conference On Inteligent Systems For Molecular Biology, Joint With The 20Th European Conference On Computational Biology, 2021 | |
Rezumat |
What Is The Impact Of Microplastics And Lipid Regulators On Marine Meiofauna? Case Study Of Polyvinyl Chloride, Atorvastatin, And Simvastatin |
Allouche Mohamed; Ishak Sahar; Nasri Ahmed; Hedfi Amor; Ben Ali Manel; Albogami Bander; Almalki Mohammed; Pacioglu Octavian; Boufahja Fehmi | Sustainability, 2021 | |
RezumatA microcosm experiment was carried out to provide a deeper insight into the toxic mechanisms exerted by two lipid regulator agents, as well as their interactions with the polyvinyl chloride microplastic on marine meiofauna. Two concentrations of Atorvastatin A and of Simvastatin S, (i.e., 0.6 mg.kg(-1) and 6 mg.kg(-1)), as well as a single dosage of polyvinyl chloride microplastics P at 20 mg.kg(-1), separately and their combined mixtures (AP and SP) were used on coastline dwelling marine meiofauna, with a main focus on nematodes. The results showed a significant reduction in meiofauna abundance in treatments compared to control. SIMPER analysis highlighted a significant decrease in the abundance of epigrowth feeders (2A), which possess conical (co) tails, and indistinct (id) amphideal foveas compared to control microcosms, reflected mainly in the decrease in abundance of the species Prochromadorella longicaudata. Furthermore, the contamination with microplastic affected only the omnivores-carnivores guild. Another finding of the current experiment is that the mixtures of microplastic with drugs lead to synergic interactions that increased their toxic effects on marine nematode communities. |
Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Are Toxic For The Freshwater Mussel Unio Ravoisieri: Evidence From A Multimarker Approach |
Smii Hanen; Khazri Abdelhafidh; Ben Ali Manel; Mezni Amine; Hedfi Amor; Albogami Bander; Almalki Mohammed; Pacioglu Octavian; Beyrem Hamouda; Boufahja Fehmi; Dellali Mohamed | Diversity-Basel, 2021 | |
RezumatThe current work investigated the ecotoxicological effects induced by Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles (NPs), used at three different concentrations (C1 = 10 mu g center dot L-1, C2 = 100 mu g center dot L-1 and C3 = 1000 mu g center dot L-1) in a laboratory experiment, on the freshwater mussel Unio ravoisieri. Biochemical analyses of gills and digestive glands revealed a stress-related disruption of the antioxidant system. The catalase activity and the rates of malonedialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide production were significantly higher in both organs following the exposure to TiO2 NPs and was concentration-dependent. In addition, based on the observed changes in acetylcholinesterase activity, it can be concluded that the disturbance threshold for the cholinergic system was less than 1 mg center dot L-1 of TiO2. Overall, the results suggest that the mussel Unio ravoisieri could be used as a sentinel species in monitoring surveys assessing the environmental impact of metallic nanoparticles in freshwater systems. |
The Structure And Functionality Of Communities And Food Webs In Streams Along The Epigean-Hypogean Continuum: Unifying Ecological Stoichiometry And Metabolic Theory Of Ecology |
Pacioglu Octavian; Amarioarei Alexandru; Dutu Laura Tiron; Plavan Gabriel; Itcus Corina; Plavan Oana; Strungaru Stefan-Adrian; Paun Andrei; Jones J. Iwan | Aquatic Sciences, 2021 | |
RezumatSubterranean streams represent unique heterotrophic ecosystems, usually supported by organic matter imported from the surface. Traditionally, the biological communities from subterranean streams were characterized as simple associations, with low diversity and species abundance, comprising mostly aquatic invertebrates connected by few trophic links compared with those of the surface. However, these features have not yet been described in the wider context of fluxes of energy and nutrients through food webs along a gradual switch from autotrophy (dominated by photosynthesis) towards heterotrophy (dominated by detritus) following the surface-subterranean continuum. Combining the most recent predictions of Ecological Stoichiometry and the Metabolic Theory of Ecology, this article provides a theoretical framework aiming to explain the patterns observed along the surface-subterranean continuum in streams. It is predicted that the main factors constraining the structure and functioning of communities and food webs are the decline in the quantity and diversity of basal resources along this gradient, along with nutrients availability in water that affects food quality. With increasing availability of dissolved nutrients in water, sinking-cave streams are hypothesized to fluctuate between being N and/ or P co-limited to C-limited. Combined, the quantity, quality, and diversity of basal resources regulate subterranean aquatic communities through bottom-up mechanisms, reflected in a decreased flux of macronutrients through food webs. The consequences of these bottom-up effects are decreased abundance, biomass, secondary production, consumption rate, and mean body size of communities, together with potential increases in the elemental imbalance for macronutrients, omnivory, trophic position, and niche width and overlap among aquatic consumers along the surface-subterranean continuum. The bottom-up effects induce changes in the topology of stream food webs, which become shorter, with lower trophic diversity at the base of the network, but increased connectance along this environmental gradient. |
Response Of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates Communities To Multiple Anthropogenic Stressors In A Lowland Tributary River |
Strungaru Stefan-Adrian; Pohontiu Corneliu Mihaita; Nicoara Mircea; Teodosiu Carmen; Baltag Emanuel Stefan; Jijie Roxana; Plavan Gabriel; Pacioglu Octavian; Faggio Caterina | Environmental Toxicology And Pharmacology, 2021 | |
RezumatIn the current study the response of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities to multiple anthropogenic stressors in a typical lowland river that crosses pristine sectors situated toward headwaters, as well as densely populated urban areas was assessed. We wished to develop an effective bioassay procedure for assessing water and sediment quality in lotic ecosystems from Romania with the aid of macroinvertebrate organisms correlated with physicochemical parameters and pollutants in both dissolved fractions and material bonded to sediment. A fast scanning approach of the river, from springs to the mouth, was employed. We found significant changes in physicochemical parameters along a longitudinal gradient, the highest values being registered within the urban area and heavily agriculturally developed areas. The macroinvertebrates showed affinities for certain abiotic factors, emphasising their potential use for future studies as reliable ecological indicators, shaped by a synergic combination of urban effects and magnitude of type of land use. |
Impacts Of Nanoparticles And Phosphonates In The Behavior And Oxidative Status Of The Mediterranean Mussels (Mytilus Galloprovincialis) |
Sellami Badreddine; Bouzidi Imen; Hedfi Amor; Almalki Mohammed; Rizk Roquia; Pacioglu Octavian; Boufahja Fehmi; Beyrem Hamouda; Sheehan David | Saudi Journal Of Biological Sciences, 2021 | |
RezumatThe current study investigated the exposure of the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) to gold nanoparticles decorated zinc oxide (Au-ZnO NPs) and phosphonate [Diethyl (3-cyano-1-hydroxy1-phenyl-2-methylpropyl)] phosphate (PC). The mussels were exposed to concentrations of 50 and 100 mg L-1 of both compounds alone, as well as to a mixture of both pollutants (i.e. Mix). The singular and the combined effect of each pollutant was investigated by measuring the concentration of various metals (i.e., Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and Au) in the the digestive glands and gills of mussels, their filtration capacity (FC), respiration rate (RR) and the response of oxidative biomarkers, respectively, following 14 days of exposure. The concentrations of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and Au increased directly with Au-ZnO NPs in mussel tissues, but significantly only for Zn. In contrast, the mixture of Au-ZnO100 NPs and PC100 did not induce any significant increase in the content of metals in digetsve glands and gills, suggesting antagonistic interactions between contaminants. In addition, FC and RR levels decreased following exposure to AuZnO100 NPs and PC100 treatments and no significant alterations were observed after the exposure to 50 mg.L-1 of both contaminants and Mix. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) level, GSH/GSSG ratio, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activities showed significant changes following the exposure to both Au-ZnO NPs and PC, in the gills and the digestive glands of the mussel. However, no significant modifications were observed in both organs following the exposure to Mix. The current study advances the understanding of the toxicity of NPs and phosphonates on M. galloprovincialis and sets the path for future ecotoxicological studies regarding the synergic effects of these substances on marine species. Moreover, the current experiment suggests that the oxidative stress and the neurotoxic pathways are responsive following the exposure of marine invertebrates to both nanoparticles and phosphonates, with potential antagonist interactions of these substances on the physiology of targeted species. (c) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). |
The Structure And Functionality Of Communities And Food Webs In Streams Along The Epigean–Hypogean Continuum: Unifying Ecological Stoichiometry And Metabolic Theory Of Ecology |
Pacioglu O.; Amărioarei A.; Duțu L.T.; Plăvan G.; Ițcuș C.; Plăvan O.; Strungaru Ș-A.; Păun A.; Iwan Jones J. | Aquatic Sciences, 2021 | |
RezumatSubterranean streams represent unique heterotrophic ecosystems, usually supported by organic matter imported from the surface. Traditionally, the biological communities from subterranean streams were characterized as simple associations, with low diversity and species abundance, comprising mostly aquatic invertebrates connected by few trophic links compared with those of the surface. However, these features have not yet been described in the wider context of fluxes of energy and nutrients through food webs along a gradual switch from autotrophy (dominated by photosynthesis) towards heterotrophy (dominated by detritus) following the surface–subterranean continuum. Combining the most recent predictions of Ecological Stoichiometry and the Metabolic Theory of Ecology, this article provides a theoretical framework aiming to explain the patterns observed along the surface–subterranean continuum in streams. It is predicted that the main factors constraining the structure and functioning of communities and food webs are the decline in the quantity and diversity of basal resources along this gradient, along with nutrients availability in water that affects food quality. With increasing availability of dissolved nutrients in water, sinking-cave streams are hypothesized to fluctuate between being N and/ or P co-limited to C-limited. Combined, the quantity, quality, and diversity of basal resources regulate subterranean aquatic communities through bottom–up mechanisms, reflected in a decreased flux of macronutrients through food webs. The consequences of these bottom–up effects are decreased abundance, biomass, secondary production, consumption rate, and mean body size of communities, together with potential increases in the elemental imbalance for macronutrients, omnivory, trophic position, and niche width and overlap among aquatic consumers along the surface–subterranean continuum. The bottom–up effects induce changes in the topology of stream food webs, which become shorter, with lower trophic diversity at the base of the network, but increased connectance along this environmental gradient. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. |
Ecophysiological And Life-History Adaptations Of Gammarus Balcanicus (Schaferna, 1922) In A Sinking-Cave Stream From Western Carpathians (Romania) |
Pacioglu Octavian; Ianovici Nicoleta; Filimon Marioara N.; Sinitean Adrian; Iacob Gabriel; Barabas Henrietta; Acs Andrei; Muntean Hanelore; Plavan Gabriel; Schulz Ralf; Zubrod Jochen P.; Parvulescu Lucian; Strungaru Tefan-Adrian | Zoology, 2020 | |
RezumatFreshwater gammarids are known to colonise occasionally sinking-cave streams, providing contrasting morphological, life-history and ecophysiological adaptations compared to their surface conspecifics. In this study, a subterranean and a surface population of the species Gammarus balcanicus was surveyed for one year in a sinking-cave stream from the Western Carpathians (Romania). The results showed that the cave-dwelling population comprised individuals that were significantly larger compared to their surface conspecifics, had larger body-size at sexual maturity and that the females produced fewer, but larger eggs, compared to the population situated outside the cave. The trophic position and the omnivory were significantly higher for the cave-dwelling compared to surface population and the elemental imbalance for C:P molar ratios lower, but similar for C:N. However, the subterranean population did not present troglomorphic characters or longer lifespan as known for other cave-surface paired crustaceans. This, together with the rather extensive hydrological connection of the habitats, suggests active gene-flow between populations and similar response to seasonality for body-size distributions, indicating that the observed ecophysiological and life-history differences are rather the consequence of phenotypic plasticity than the result of genetic adaptation. |
Multifaceted Implications Of The Competition Between Native And Invasive Crayfish: A Glimmer Of Hope For The Native'S Long-Term Survival |
Pacioglu Octavian; Theissinger Kathrin; Alexa Andreea; Samoila Corina; Sirbu Ovidiu-Ioan; Schrimpf Anne; Zubrod Jochen P.; Schulz Ralf; Pirvu Malina; Lele Sandra-Florina; Jones John I.; Parvulescu Lucian | Biological Invasions, 2020 | |
RezumatBiological invasions represent a complex phenomenon driven by multiple factors. In this study, a real-time invasion process between a native (Pontastacus leptodactylus) and an invasive (Faxonius limosus) crayfish species was investigated in the Lower Danube (South-East Europe) through an interdisciplinary approach, by measuring various ecological, genetic, physiological and biometric endpoints. The results revealed that the prolonged competition in old invaded sites of the river (at least a decade) either drove the native species to extinction, or, unexpectedly, allowed its survival as highly fragmented populations. However, for the latter situation, several biological and ecological traits differed in the remnant populations: increased trophic position and elemental imbalance for two major macronutrients (C:N molar ratio), low growth, as strongly contracted trophic niche widths and low overlap degree with the invasive crayfish. The data suggest that the prolonged competition induced potential resource partitioning between species, potentially driving their coexistence, as the development of larger and heavier claws within the native males' population. On the contrary, in more recently invaded sectors of the Lower Danube (3 years), the trophic niche of the native species was significantly larger compared to old invaded sites and characterised by high level of niche overlap, indicating almost identical diet with the invasive crayfish, but characterised by the lowest trophic position compared to other invasion sectors. The genetic diversity of the native crayfish populations was strongly reduced in the invaded sectors of the river, but without signs of genetic bottleneck, which may be explained by a drift-mutational equilibrium reached as a consequence of diminishing population size. Our findings suggest strong coexistence potential in the future for both species in the Lower Danube. |
Ecophysiological And Life-History Adaptations Of Gammarus Balcanicus (Schäferna, 1922) In A Sinking-Cave Stream From Western Carpathians (Romania) |
Pacioglu O.; Strungaru -A.; Ianovici N.; Filimon M.N.; Sinitean A.; Iacob G.; Barabas H.; Acs A.; Muntean H.; Plăvan G.; Schulz R.; Zubrod J.P.; Pârvulescu L. | Zoology, 2020 | |
RezumatFreshwater gammarids are known to colonise occasionally sinking-cave streams, providing contrasting morphological, life-history and ecophysiological adaptations compared to their surface conspecifics. In this study, a subterranean and a surface population of the species Gammarus balcanicus was surveyed for one year in a sinking-cave stream from the Western Carpathians (Romania). The results showed that the cave-dwelling population comprised individuals that were significantly larger compared to their surface conspecifics, had larger body-size at sexual maturity and that the females produced fewer, but larger eggs, compared to the population situated outside the cave. The trophic position and the omnivory were significantly higher for the cave-dwelling compared to surface population and the elemental imbalance for C:P molar ratios lower, but similar for C:N. However, the subterranean population did not present troglomorphic characters or longer lifespan as known for other cave-surface paired crustaceans. This, together with the rather extensive hydrological connection of the habitats, suggests active gene-flow between populations and similar response to seasonality for body-size distributions, indicating that the observed ecophysiological and life-history differences are rather the consequence of phenotypic plasticity than the result of genetic adaptation. © 2020 Elsevier GmbH |
Multifaceted Implications Of The Competition Between Native And Invasive Crayfish: A Glimmer Of Hope For The Native’S Long-Term Survival |
Pacioglu O.; Theissinger K.; Alexa A.; Samoilă C.; Sîrbu O.-I.; Schrimpf A.; Zubrod J.P.; Schulz R.; Pîrvu M.; Lele S.-F.; Jones J.I.; Pârvulescu L. | Biological Invasions, 2020 | |
RezumatBiological invasions represent a complex phenomenon driven by multiple factors. In this study, a real-time invasion process between a native (Pontastacus leptodactylus) and an invasive (Faxonius limosus) crayfish species was investigated in the Lower Danube (South-East Europe) through an interdisciplinary approach, by measuring various ecological, genetic, physiological and biometric endpoints. The results revealed that the prolonged competition in old invaded sites of the river (at least a decade) either drove the native species to extinction, or, unexpectedly, allowed its survival as highly fragmented populations. However, for the latter situation, several biological and ecological traits differed in the remnant populations: increased trophic position and elemental imbalance for two major macronutrients (C:N molar ratio), low growth, as strongly contracted trophic niche widths and low overlap degree with the invasive crayfish. The data suggest that the prolonged competition induced potential resource partitioning between species, potentially driving their coexistence, as the development of larger and heavier claws within the native males’ population. On the contrary, in more recently invaded sectors of the Lower Danube (3 years), the trophic niche of the native species was significantly larger compared to old invaded sites and characterised by high level of niche overlap, indicating almost identical diet with the invasive crayfish, but characterised by the lowest trophic position compared to other invasion sectors. The genetic diversity of the native crayfish populations was strongly reduced in the invaded sectors of the river, but without signs of genetic bottleneck, which may be explained by a drift-mutational equilibrium reached as a consequence of diminishing population size. Our findings suggest strong coexistence potential in the future for both species in the Lower Danube. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. |
The Multifaceted Effects Induced By Floods On The Macroinvertebrate Communities Inhabiting A Sinking Cave Stream |
Pacioglu Octavian; Ianovici Nicoleta; Filimon Marioara N.; Sinitean Adrian; Iacob Gabriel; Barabas Henrietta; Pahomi Alexandru; Acs Andrei; Muntean Hanelore; Parvulescu Lucian | International Journal Of Speleology, 2019 | |
RezumatFirst-order sinking cave streams experience considerable hydrological variability, including spates and periods of base-flow during dry seasons. Early-summer flooding on a first-order stream sinking in Ciur-Ponor Cave (Romania) represented a suitable opportunity to test the response of the macroinvertebrate community and of basal food resources quantity and diversity to such a disturbance event. The invertebrate community and basal resources (i.e., woody debris, leaves, fine particulate organic matter and epilithon) were collected from three sampling sites, before and after the flood. The sampling strategy followed an up-downstream gradient of both species diversity and quantity of allochtonous organic matter decrease as the stream flows through the cave. From each sampling site, ten replicates of both the benthic community and basal resources (detritus and epilithon) were taken. Outside the cave, the spate reduced the invertebrate community density, instant secondary production, complexity and stability (measured as eco-exergy and specific eco-exergy). The epigean section of the stream is populated mainly by taxa characteristic of karst headwaters prone to floods that usually recolonize the streambed rapidly from adjacent habitats. This effect was corroborated with a subsequent increase of both the mass of fine particulate organic matter and of invertebrate density within the cave, following the aftermath of the flood. In the river stretch situated close to the entrance (100 m), where the flood carried both live and dead organic matter, the stability index showed that the complexity of the community was not severely disturbed, despite the high influx of surface-dwelling taxa and temporary increase in species richness. Further downstream, in the third sampling site (400 m from entrance), all measured endpoints indicated a change in community stability, suggesting that local spates can act as rejuvenating drivers in shaping the invertebrate community structure and functioning. |
Two Is Better Than One: Combining Gut Content And Stable Isotope Analyses To Infer Trophic Interactions Between Native And Invasive Species |
Pacioglu Octavian; Zubrod Jochen P.; Schulz Ralf; Jones J. Iwan; Parvulescu Lucian | Hydrobiologia, 2019 | |
RezumatTwo complementary approaches are commonly used for analysing trophic interactions that allow inferences about consumed and assimilated resources: gut content (GCA) and stable isotope (SIA) analyses. We used these methods to assess the trophic ecology of a native (Pontastacus leptodactylus) and an invasive species (Faxonius limosus) of crayfish in the Lower Danube (Romania) by calculating five frequently used metrics (i.e. trophic position, omnivory index, elemental imbalance for C:N ratio, trophic niche width and overlap). The SIA approach indicated significantly different trophic niche widths between the crayfish species and potential resource partitioning that triggered lower niche overlap, aspects not depicted by GCA. The latter approach suggested higher omnivory indices and elemental imbalance for macronutrients, potentially because of high incidences of basal resources with low nitrogen content in the foreguts of both species. Although, as indicated by GCA, the two species seem to feed largely on the same resources, SIA suggested that the ingested food items were assimilated with differing efficiencies. These findings are of importance for studies of invasion biology, where the replacement of native species by invasive taxa is underpinned by mechanisms that should be explored by using the most appropriate approach. |