Contract for security services
Denumire contract: Contract pentru servicii de pază Tip anunț: achiziție directă prin procedură internă pentru servicii din categoria celor cuprinse în Anexa 2 la Legea nr. 98/2016 privind achizițiile publice Tip contract: servicii din în Anexa 2 la Legea nr. …
Result of open competition - Senior Researcher I5- PS5 NO-Poll (Updated 26-11-2024)
The result of the analysis of the applications of the candidates who applied for the position of Senior Researcher (PhD obtained at least 10 years ago) within the Specific Project RDI 5: Integrated solutions for water pollution abatement - towards zero pollution (NO-Poll) from the contract Integrated research and sustainable ...
Contract signing for the DANUBIUS-RO strategic project: International Centre for Advanced Studies on River - Sea Systems
Today saw the contract signing ceremony for DANUBIUS-RO, a key moment in the endeavour to tackle the complex challenges of river-sea systems. The contract was signed by Bogdan Ivan, Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitisation, Adrian Câciu, Minister of ...
Two INCDSB researchers successfully defended their PhD theses!
The National Research-Development Institute for Biological Sciences (INCDSB) announces the successful completion of PhD theses by two of its members from the Department of Bioinformatics, Dr Marian Necula and Dr Eduard C. Milea. Both have obtained their PhD ...
CTT BINNOTEH at the Entrepreneurship Conference
The representatives of the Technology Transfer Centre CTT BINNOTEH, Mirela Diaconu and Andreia Alecu, participated in the 6th edition of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network Conference, organised by the Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iasi and the Association for Entrepreneurship Education, in ...
The INCDSB team, together with its branches across the country, participated in the Researchers' Night 2024, held on 27 September. This year, we focussed on bringing science even closer to the public, through interactive activities and experiments dedicated to both young ...
INCDSB at the International Polar Conference
In September 2024, Dr. Iris Maria Țușa from INCDSB attended the International Polar Conference held in Aheloy, Bulgaria, an event organised in the framework of the EU-supported programmes POLARIN and EUPolarNet-2. The conference provided an essential framework for strengthening ...
INCDSB at OPEN Science SCAR Conference - Exploring Microbial Biodiversity in Extreme Environments
The National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences (INCDSB), represented by Dr Ovidiu Vrâncianu and Drd. Roxana-Elena Cristian, took part in the 11th edition of the OPEN Science conference, organised by the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR). The event was organised by the ...
Announcement of closure of the partners selection process for the implementation of PoCIDIF projects Action 1.1. - Measure 1.1.2
PROJECT: Strengthening the market position of SMEs by capitalising on indigenous bioresources for the creation of value-added products The National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences Bucharest announces the closure of the selection process for the selection of partners for the implementation of the PoCIDIF project "Strengthening the market position of SMEs by capitalising on ...
Announcement extension of partners selection for the implementation of PoCIDIF projects Action 1.1. - Measure 1.1.2
Update 25-07-2024: The selection process has been closed, the announcement can be found here. The National Research-Development Institute for Biological Sciences (INCDSB) announces the opening of the selection process for partners willing to participate in consortium with INCDSB in the projects of the Growth Programme ...
Discoveries from the INCDSB Antarctic Expeditions #SupportOurExpedition
During expeditions organised by the National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences (INCDSB), teams of researchers take samples from the Antarctic environment, initially processed on site and then analysed in the institute's laboratories or in the high-performance laboratories of partners. The results ...
Put Romania back on the Antarctic map! #SupportOurExpedition
The National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences (INCDSB), in collaboration with the Romanian Society for Bioengineering and Biotechnology (SRBB), invites you to support our future expedition to Antarctica, which will send four scientists to Antarctica in 2025. Although Romania does not yet have a ...
Announcement of partners selection for the implementation of PoCIDIF projects Action 1.1. - Measure
Update 25-07-2024: The selection process has been closed, the announcement can be found here. Update 11-07-2024: The selection process has been extended, the new announcement can be found here. The National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences (INCDSB) announces the opening of the selection process ...
Spelunking & Questing: What do cave dwellers eat?
This article is the result of an interview with our colleague Octavian, which we conducted on the occasion of the completion of his research project on food webs in rivers flowing through caves. We discussed the importance of this project, the challenges encountered along the way ...
Catering services contract
Contact points: Manuela-Elisabeta SIDOROFF ( Phone: 0212207780; Fax: 0212207695 e-mail: Contract name: Contract for catering services Type of contract: direct purchase by internal procedure for services from Annex 2 of Law no. 98/2016 on public procurement Type of contract: services ...
Financial consultancy services contract for 6 projects
Contact points: Simona-Carmen LIȚESCU-FILIPESCU ( Phone: 0212207780; Fax: 0212207695 e-mail: Contract name: Financial consultancy services contract for 6 (six) projects under the Smart Growth, Digitisation and Financial Instruments Programme 2021-2027 (POCIDIF), Priority 1. Support and promotion of a ...
Technical Workshop in Lisbon for the Preparation of EIT Grant Proposal in the Field of Water, Marine and Ecosystems
The National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences (INCDSB) participated in the technical workshop held in Lisbon, preparing the formation of a consortium to develop a grant proposal dedicated to the establishment of the Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) in the water, marine and maritime sectors, ...
Core Programme Implementation Workshop 2023-2026 and Presentation of Bioresgreen Programme Innovations
INCDSB had the honour to participate in the Workshop presenting the implementation status of the first 18 months of the Nucleu 2023-2026 Programme, held in Bistrita on 30-31 May 2024, organised by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitisation. The Nucleu Programme ...
INCDSB participates in the 30th Session of the ICGEB Board of Governors
The National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences (INCDSB), represented by Mrs Manuela Sidoroff, took part in the 30th session of the Board of Governors of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB). This centre provides a high quality scientific environment ...
PNRR: Design and lmplementation of Base-Relief DNA Origami: A multi-level approach to DNA Nanotechnology
In the framework of the project PNRR/2022/C9/MC/D/8 760231/28.12.2023, the National Institute for Research and Development in Biological Sciences (INCDSB) is exploring automated methods and procedures for the design of DNA Origami structures using the multi-level height framework methodology. Origami DNA structures are particularly versatile for ...