Adina Zuav
ACS - Biotehnologii Aplicate
Publication | Authors | Date | |
Improving Natural Biopolymeric Membranes Based On Chitosan And Collagen For Biomedical Applications Introducing Silver |
Ungureanu Camelia; Ionita Daniela; Berteanu Elena; Tcacenco Luminita; Zuav Adina; Demetrescu Ioana | Journal Of The Brazilian Chemical Society, 2015 | |
RezumatThe aim of this study was to obtain new films based on collagen-chitosan with and without silver for biomedical applications. Membranes with a thin transparent elastic structure were obtained and after immersion in silver nitrate new membranes with silver have been elaborated and their physicochemical properties were assessed using infrared spectroscopy as well as contact angle determinations, and sorption properties. The water absorption has permitted the evaluation of the diffusion coefficient for modified collagen membranes and the values were comparable with diffusion coefficient specific for human cornea. Adsorption and desorption studies of silver ions were investigated based on the concentration of the silver solution. This concentration was determined by an inductively coupled plasma spectrometer. Antimicrobial investigations performed on Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and hemolytic properties assays have been evaluated measuring optical density. The enhancement of antibacterial activity of membranes with silver content was emphasized. |
Evaluation Of Biocompatibility Of Composite Biomaterial With Anti-Inflammatory Action And Stimulating Tissue Recovery Process |
Iordachel C.; Berteanu E.; Zuav A.-L.; Enache M.-I.; Dobre A.-M.; Manoiu S.; Paraschiv M.; Tcacenco L. | Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis, Seria Stiintele Vietii (Life Sciences Series), 2014 | |
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Formularea Si Prepararea Unor Biomateriale Cu Actiune Terapeutica |
Berteanu E.; Paraschiv M.; Iordachel C.; Enache M.I.; Zuav A.L; Tcacenco Luminita | Sesiunea Stiintifica Anuala A Incdsb, Bucuresti, Romania, 2014 | |
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Composite Biomaterial With Anti-Inflammatory Action, And Stimulating Tissue Recovery Process-Biocompatibility Evaluation |
Iordachel C.; Berteanu E.; Zuav A.L.; Enache M.I.; Dobre A.M.; Manoiu S.; Paraschiv M.; Tcacenco L. | Symposium On Modern Biotechnological Advances For Human Health Bahh, Bucharest, Romania, 2014 | |
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Evaluation Of Biocompatibility Of Composite Biomaterial With Anti-Inflammatory Action, And Stimulating Tissue Recovery Process |
Iordachel C.; Berteanu E.; Zuav A.-L.; Enache M.-I.; Dobre A.-M.; Manoiu S.; Paraschiv M.; Tcacenco L. | Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii, 2014 | |
RezumatThe paper refers to a bioactive matrix in membrane shape, with a thickness of 0.5 - 1.0 mm, and consisting of gelatine, chitosan, and α-chymotrypsin, with or without addition of glutaraldehyde as a cross-linking agent. The bioproduct is a biomaterial with biomedical applications as biocompatible membrane with anti-inflammatory action due to coupling of the proteolytic enzyme. Bioproducts have complex implications in the treatment of traumatized tissue, accelerating the pus cleansing of infected wound, blood clots and other cellular debris, secretions liquefaction and cleansing of necrotic tissue, and also stimulating tissue regeneration and a faster healing of open infected wounds. In order to establish the influence of cross- linking process and membrane’s thickness on mechanical properties, ultrastructural studies were carried out on obtained biomaterials by electron microscopy analysis. To demonstrate the biological qualities of new enzymatic biomaterials, the membrane’s biological effect was analyzed in a cell culture model (mouse fibroblasts NCTC). © 2014 Vasile Goldis University Press. |
Immobilization Of Some Lipase On Ceramic Magnetic Nanoparticles |
Tcacenco L.; Berteanu E.; Sandu V.C.; Nicolescu S. M.; Enache M. I.; Zuav A. L. | Conferinta Internationala Cellular Therapy And Biomaterials For Regenerative Medicine, Arad, Romania, International Conference "Cellular Therapy And Biomaterials For Regenerative Medicine", Arad, Romania, 2012 | |
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