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Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Științe Biologice

Prof. Dr. Paolo Carloni a vizitat Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Științe Biologice

On Thursday, October 6th, 2022, Prof. Dr. Paolo Carloni, Director of the Institute for Computational Biomedicine at the Institutes for Advanced Simulation and for Neuroscience and Medicine (IAS-5 and INM-9), Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany, visited the National Institute for Research and Development of Biological Sciences.

The goal of the visit was to foster collaborations and research based on machine learning approaches for life sciences, to support young researchers from Romanian Research Institutes for research visits at the Institute of Computational Biomedicine, and to identify opportunities to develop expertise for high-performance computing towards exascale.

The visit emphasizes once again the importance of international cooperation between research institutions, in order to facilitate the exchange of ideas and best practices in different fields.