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National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences

“Ziua Porților Deschise” – Expoziții Interactive Adresate Celor Interesați de Domeniile Cercetării și Digitalizării

The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitisation (MCID) organised on 18 May 2023 the "Open Day" event where research institutes under the coordination of the Ministry as well as educational institutions (high schools and universities) participated.

The aim of this event was to create an attractive setting that would encourage dialogue between public institutions and citizens, giving them the opportunity to learn about different research areas and activities as well as success stories of people dedicated to the research profession.

The National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences Bucharest (INCDSB) was present at this MCID initiative where it presented its scientific research work to experts in various fields and to the general public. INCDSB had the pleasure to present successful projects in progress within the departments, expeditions, products and at the same time offered students the opportunity to participate directly in various experimental demonstrations taking place in INCDSB laboratories, the aim being to attract young people to science.

"On 18 May, we will organise the first "Open Day at the Ministry of the Future". We will be joined by research institutes, officials, pupils, students, citizens. The events will start at 13.00. The whole MCID team is looking forward to seeing you, let's all enjoy these special moments", said Minister Sebastian Burduja.