Closing of the selection process for economic partners for danubius-ro
The consortium is made up of the National Research and Development Institute for Biological Sciences (INCDSB), the National Research and Development Institute for Marine Geology and Geo-ecology (GeoEcoMar), National Institute for Research and Development of the Danube Delta Tulcea (INCDD) and the Institute of Geodynamics "Sabba Ștefănescu" of the Romanian Academy (IGSSS-AR), as promoter of the project "International Centre for Advanced Studies on River - Sea Systems, DANUBIUS-RO," announces the conclusion of the selection process of economic partners. The partners who will complete the consortium and participate in the implementation of the project have been selected.
The DANUBIUS-RO project is part of the ESFRI DANUBIUS-RI project (
The DANUBIUS-RO project is carried out in partnership between research organisations and SMEs, with an implementation period of 2023-2029, under the call A1.2 for Support to Advanced Technology Projects through the Creation of Innovation Hubs in Areas of Strategic Interest (