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National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences

Financial consultancy services contract for 6 projects

Contact points: Simona-Carmen LIȚESCU-FILIPESCU (

Phone: 0212207780; Fax: 0212207695


Contract name: Financial consultancy services contract for 6 (six) projects under the Smart Growth, Digitalisation and Financial Instruments Programme 2021-2027 (POCIDIF), Priority 1. Supporting and promoting an attractive and competitive RDI system in Romania, Specific Objective: RSO1.1. Developing and improving research and innovation capacities and adoption of advanced technologies, Action 1.1 - Support for the private sector and for collaboration between public and business actors in the field of RDI, Measure 1.1.2 - Increasing the degree of public-private collaboration (FBOs and SMEs), Call for projects: Support for RDI projects for thematic consortia between public-private partners.

Ad type: direct purchases in accordance with Art. 7 para. (7) letter a) of Law No 98/2016 on public procurement as amended and supplemented

Contract type: services

Contract duration: 6 months from the date of receipt of the Service Contract Commencement Order following the provision of the performance guarantee.

Performance guarantee will be in the amount of 5% of the value without VAT of the contract and will be constituted in accordance with art. 40 of the updated H.G. No 395/2016 and art. 154 of the updated Law No 98/2016.

CPV code: 66171000-9 Financial advisory services (Rev.2)

Estimated value: 244250 lei excluding VAT

Deadline for submission of tender: 13.06.2024

Contract description: 

Financial consultancy services contract for 6 (six) projects under the Smart Growth, Digitisation and Financial Instruments Programme 2021-2027 (POCIDIF), Priority 1. Support and promotion of an attractive and competitive RDI system in Romania, Specific Objective: RSO1.1. Development and improvement of research and innovation capacities and adoption of advanced technologies, Action 1.1 - Support for the private sector and for collaboration between public and business actors in the field of RDI, Measure 1.1.2 - Increase of public-private collaboration (FBOs and SMEs), Call for projects: Support for RDI projects for thematic consortia between public-private partners, consisting of:

  • Verification of eligibility and project proposals submitted in partnership with private SME entities
  • Preparation of financial and business plans according to the applicant's guide for projects of this type.

Contract conditions: the contract is not subject to special conditions

Conditions of participation:

  1. Economic operators interested in submitting a bid must hold a Certificate issued by the National Trade Registry Office specifying the object of activity classified by CAEN codes (according to Order 337/2007), showing that the object of activity is the provision of services covered by the purchase.
  2. As the direct award will be carried out in the SEAP catalogue, economic operators interested in submitting a tender must be registered in SEAP and, if the tender is declared successful, it will be published in SEAP.

Award criterion: lowest price

Further information:

The purchase concerns a project financed by European Union funds.

Programme/project identification: Smart Growth, Digitisation and Financial Instruments Programme 2021-2027 (POCIDIF)

Funding type: Program / Project