Financial consultancy services contract for 6 projects
Contact points: Simona-Carmen LIȚESCU-FILIPESCU (
Phone: 0212207780; Fax: 0212207695
Contract name: Financial consultancy services contract for 6 (six) projects under the Smart Growth, Digitalisation and Financial Instruments Programme 2021-2027 (POCIDIF), Priority 1. Supporting and promoting an attractive and competitive RDI system in Romania, Specific Objective: RSO1.1. Developing and improving research and innovation capacities and adoption of advanced technologies, Action 1.1 - Support for the private sector and for collaboration between public and business actors in the field of RDI, Measure 1.1.2 - Increasing the degree of public-private collaboration (FBOs and SMEs), Call for projects: Support for RDI projects for thematic consortia between public-private partners.
Ad type: direct purchases in accordance with Art. 7 para. (7) letter a) of Law No 98/2016 on public procurement as amended and supplemented
Contract type: services
Contract duration: 6 months from the date of receipt of the Service Contract Commencement Order following the provision of the performance guarantee.
Performance guarantee will be in the amount of 5% of the value without VAT of the contract and will be constituted in accordance with art. 40 of the updated H.G. No 395/2016 and art. 154 of the updated Law No 98/2016.
CPV code: 66171000-9 Financial advisory services (Rev.2)
Estimated value: 244250 lei excluding VAT
Deadline for submission of tender: 13.06.2024
Contract description:
Financial consultancy services contract for 6 (six) projects under the Smart Growth, Digitisation and Financial Instruments Programme 2021-2027 (POCIDIF), Priority 1. Support and promotion of an attractive and competitive RDI system in Romania, Specific Objective: RSO1.1. Development and improvement of research and innovation capacities and adoption of advanced technologies, Action 1.1 - Support for the private sector and for collaboration between public and business actors in the field of RDI, Measure 1.1.2 - Increase of public-private collaboration (FBOs and SMEs), Call for projects: Support for RDI projects for thematic consortia between public-private partners, consisting of:
- Verification of eligibility and project proposals submitted in partnership with private SME entities
- Preparation of financial and business plans according to the applicant's guide for projects of this type.
Contract conditions: the contract is not subject to special conditions
Conditions of participation:
- Economic operators interested in submitting a bid must hold a Certificate issued by the National Trade Registry Office specifying the object of activity classified by CAEN codes (according to Order 337/2007), showing that the object of activity is the provision of services covered by the purchase.
- As the direct award will be carried out in the SEAP catalogue, economic operators interested in submitting a tender must be registered in SEAP and, if the tender is declared successful, it will be published in SEAP.
Award criterion: lowest price
Further information:
The purchase concerns a project financed by European Union funds.
Programme/project identification: Smart Growth, Digitisation and Financial Instruments Programme 2021-2027 (POCIDIF)
Funding type: Program / Project